cost center – cost of quality
The Encyclopedia of Operations Management Page 86
( 2) / (1 )t r n r
has a Student’s t-distribution (approximately) with n − 2 degrees of freedom and can be
used to test if an r value is different from zero.
In Excel use CORREL(x_range, y_range), where x_range and y_range are ranges. CORREL will have an
error if the variance of x or y is zero. The equivalent formula (n/(n−1))*COVAR(x_range,
y_range)/STDEV(x_range)/STDEV(y_range) can also be used. The term n/(n−1) is needed because the Excel
COVAR function is for the population rather than the sample.
The correlation between two sets of ranked values (x
, y
) can be found with the Spearman’s rank correlation
coefficient, which is
2 2
1 ( ) ( 1))6 / (
i i
x y n n
. However, if two or more ranks are tied for either set of
numbers, the correlation coefficient (Pearson’s) should be used.
See autocorrelation, covariance, forecast error metrics, linear regression, variance.
cost center – An accounting term for an area of responsibility that is only held accountable for its cost.
Cost centers are often service and support organizations, such as manufacturing, human resources, and
information technology, that do not have any easily assignable revenue.
See absorption costing, Activity Based Costing (ABC), human resources, investment center, profit center,
revenue center.
cost driver – See Activity Based Costing (ABC).
cost of goods sold – An accounting term for all direct costs incurred in producing a product or service during a
period of time; also called cost of goods, cost of sales, cost of products sold, and cost of production.
Cost of goods sold usually includes direct materials, incoming transportation, direct labor cost, production
facilities, and other overhead (indirect) labor and expenses that are part of the manufacturing process. It does not
include indirect costs, such as administration, marketing, and selling costs, that cannot be directly attributed to
producing the product.
Inventory is an asset, which means it is not expensed when purchased or produced, but rather goes into an
inventory asset account. When a unit is sold, the cost is moved from the inventory asset account to the cost of
goods sold expense account. Cost of goods sold is on the income statement and used in the inventory turnover
See ABC classification, direct cost, direct labor cost, financial performance metrics, gross profit margin,
inventory turnover, Last-In-First-Out (LIFO), overhead, transfer price.
cost of quality – A framework coined by quality leader Phillip Crosby and used to measure quality-related costs;
now called the “price of non-conformance.”
The cost of quality concept was popularized by Phillip Crosby, a well-known author and consultant (Crosby
1979). Crosby focused on the following principles:
Quality is defined as conformance to requirements.
The system for causing quality is prevention, not appraisal.
The performance standard is zero defects.
The measurement of quality is the cost of quality (sometimes called the price of nonconformance).
More recently, Crosby has replaced “the cost of quality” with the “price of nonconformance” in response to
quality professionals who did not like the older term. The price of nonconformance assigns an economic value to
all waste caused by poor quality. Examples of the price of nonconformance include wasted materials, wasted
capacity, wasted labor time, expediting, inventory, customer complaints, service recovery, downtime,
reconciliation, and warranty.
According to Feigenbaum (1983), the cost of quality framework includes these four elements:
Prevention costs – Cost of designing quality into the product and process. This includes product design,
process design, work selection, and worker training. Some authors also add the cost of assessing and improving
process capability. Many firms find that this cost is hardest to measure.
Appraisal costs – Cost of inspection, testing, auditing, and design reviews for both products and procedures.
Internal failure costs – Cost of rework, scrap, wasted labor cost, wasted lost machine capacity, and poor
morale. Lost capacity for a bottleneck process can also result in lost gross margin.