Defective Parts per Million (DPPM) − Delphi forecasting
Page 99 The Encyclopedia of Operations Management
defects as it has characteristics. A product or service is “defective” if it has one or more defects in the
unacceptable range.
See early detection, lean sigma, lean thinking, quality management, sigma level, Total Quality Management
Defective Parts per Million (DPPM) – The number of units not meeting standards, expressed as units per
million; sometimes also called PPM (Parts per Million).
See Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO), sigma level.
Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO) – The number of defects (not the number of defective units) per
million opportunities, where each unit might have multiple opportunities.
It is possible that a unit (a part) has many defects. For example, a single automobile can have defects in the
door, windshield, and muffler. The Defective Parts per Million (DPPM) will be the same as the DPMO only if
each unit has only one opportunity for a defect and a unit is judged to be defective if it has this defect. (A part is
usually considered defective if it has one defect.) Managers should be careful with this metric because it is easy
to make it better by arbitrarily defining more “opportunities” for defects for each unit.
See Defective Parts per Million (DPPM), lean sigma, process capability and performance, quality
management, sigma level.
delegation – The transfer of responsibility for a job or task from one person or organization to another.
Tasks should be assigned to the most productive resource, which may be outside an organization.
Delegation, therefore, can be a powerful tool for managers to increase their productivity. Outsourcing is a form
of delegation. Delegation is similar to, but not identical to, the division of labor principle. Whereas division of
labor splits a task into two or more pieces and then delegates, delegation does not require that the task be split.
Value chain analysis (Porter 1985) is a strategic view of delegation from an organizational point of view.
Good questions to ask to help a manager decide if a task should be delegated: (1) Do you have time to
complete the task? (2) Does this task require your personal supervision and attention? (3) Is your personal skill
or expertise required for this task? (4) If you do not do the task yourself, will your reputation (or the reputation
of your organization) be damaged? (5) Does anyone on your team have the skill to complete the task? (6) Could
someone on your team benefit from the experience of performing the task?
In contract law, the term “delegation” is used to describe the act of giving another person the responsibility
of carrying out the duty agreed to in a contract. Three parties are concerned with this process: the delegator (the
party with the obligation to perform the duty), the delegatee (the party that assumes the responsibility of
performing the duty) and the obligee (the party to whom this duty is owed).
See division of labor, human resources, outsourcing, personal operations management, value chain, vendor
managed inventory (VMI).
deliverables – The tangible results of a project that are handed over to the project sponsor.
Examples of deliverables include hardware, software, mindmaps, current state and future state analysis
(shown in process maps and value stream maps), causal maps, reports, documents, photos, videos, drawings,
databases, financial analyses, implementation plan, training, and standard operating procedures (SOPs). In a
process improvement context, some projects stop with the proposed plan, whereas others include the actual
process improvement. A deliverable can be given to the sponsor in the form of a PowerPoint presentation,
report, workshop, Excel workbook, CD, or a training session.
See DMAIC, milestone, post-project review, project charter, scrum, sponsor, stage-gate process, value
stream map.
delivery time – The time required to move, ship, or mail a product from a supplier to a customer.
See service level.
Delphi forecasting – A qualitative method that collects and refines opinions from a panel of anonymous experts to
make forecasts; also known as the Delphi Method.
Named after the Greek oracle at Delphi whom the Greeks visited for information about their future, the
Delphi Method is an iterative procedure for collecting and refining the opinions of a panel of experts. The
collective judgment of experts is considered more reliable than individual statements and is thus more objective
in its outcomes. Delphi forecasting is usually applied to estimate unknown parameters, typically forecasting
dates for long-term change in the fields of science and technology.