Words 205
avoids τ(i +1,j + 1) at level m, we know that any word with landscape X
must avoid τ (i, j)atlevelm. Now define a word w
as follows:
1. The word w
has landscape X
2. For any p,thep-th low cluster of w
is identical to the p-th low cluster
of w.
3. For any q,theq-thhighclusterofw
is identical to the q-thhighcluster
of w.
Clearly there is a unique word w
satisfying these properties. For example,
for the word w = 534212 considered above, w
has landscape HLmH,andis
given by 521234. Note that the subsequence of all the low letters of w is the
same as the subsequence of all the low letters of w
, and these sequences are
partitioned into low clusters in the same way. An analogous property holds
for the high letters.
We claim that w
is an (m + 1)-hybrid. We have already pointed out that
avoids τ(i, j) at level m. Let us now argue that w
avoids τ(i, j) at level
m, for every m<m, using proof by contradiction. Assume that w
contains a
subsequence s =
the letters of s are low, and since w has the same subsequence of low letters
as w
, we know that w also contains s as a subsequence, contradicting the
assumption that w is an m-hybrid.
Assume now that h ≥ m.Letx and y be the two letters adjacent to h in
the sequence s (note that h is not the last symbol of s,sox and y are well
defined). Both x and y are low, and they belong to distinct low clusters of
, because the symbol h is not low. Since the low letters of w are the same
as the low letters of w
, and they are partitioned into clusters in the same
way, we know that w contains a subsequence
is not low. This shows that w contains τ(i, j)atlevelm, which is impossible,
because w is an m-hybrid.
By an analogous argument, we may show that w
avoids τ(i +1,j +1) at
any level 8m>m. We conclude that the mapping described above transforms
an m-hybrid w into an (m +1)-hybridw
. It is easy to see that the mapping
is reversible and therefore provides the required bijection between m-hybrids
and (m + 1)-hybrids for all m ≥ 1. Therefore, combining the bijections for
fixed m, we have a bijection between τ(i, j)-avoiding and τ(i+1,j+1)-avoiding
words, and the claim follows by induction on i and j. 2
From Propositions 6.18 and 6.19 and Theorem 6.20 we can obtain clas-
sifications for patterns of lengths four, five, and six. Tables 6.3-6.5 show
all the nontrivial Wilf-equivalence classes (those where the Wilf class is not
equal to the symmetry class). In Tables G.3 and G.4 we list all of the Wilf-
equivalence classes (including the trivial ones) together with a selection of
values of AW
(n) which show that these Wilf-classes are indeed the only
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