204 Combinatorics of Compositions and Words
Theorem 6.20 For any t ≥ 3,allpatternsthatconsistofasingle1,asingle
3 and t − 2 letters 2 are strongly equivalent.
Proof Let t be fixed. Let τ(i, j) denote the word of length t where the i-th
letter is a 1, the j-th letter is a 3, and the remaining letters are equal to 2.
Our aim is to show that all the patterns in the set {τ(i, j),i = j, 1 ≤ i, j ≤ t}
are strongly equivalent. Since each word is strongly equivalent to its reversal,
we only need to deal with the words τ(i, j)withi<j. Proposition 6.19 gives
immediately that the words {τ(i, t),i=1, 2,...,t−1} (those with a 3 at the
end) are all strongly equivalent. Using the complement and reversal maps
we can derive that the words {τ (1,j),j =2, 3,...,t} (those with a 1 at the
beginning) are also strongly equivalent.
To prove the theorem, it suffices to show that for every i<j<t,theword
τ(i, j) is strongly equivalent to the word τ(i +1,j+1). Let m be an integer.
We will say that a word w c
ontains τ(i, j) at level m if there is a pair of letters
, h with <m<hsuch that the word w contains a subsequence s on the
alphabet {, m, h} such that s is order-isomorphic to τ(i, j). For example, the
word 132342 contains the pattern 1223 at level three (due to the subsequence
1334), while it avoids 1223 at level two.
Assume now that we are given a fixed pair of indices i and j,withi<j<t,
and we want to provide a content-preserving bijection between τ(i, j)-avoiding
and τ(i +1,j+ 1)-avoiding words of length n. We will say that a word w is
an m-hybrid if for every
m<m,thewordw avoids τ(i, j) at level m, while
for every 8m ≥ m, w avoids τ(i +1,j+1)atlevel 8m. We will present, for any
m ≥ 1, a content-preserving bijection between m-hybrids and (m+1)-hybrids.
By composing these bijections we obtain the required bijection between τ(i, j)-
avoiding and τ(i +1,j+ 1)-avoiding words.
Let m ≥ 1befixedandletw be an arbitrary word. A letter of w is called
low if it is less than m, and a letter is called high if it is greater than m.Alow
cluster of w is a maximal block of consecutive low letters of w.Ahigh cluster
is defined analogously. Thus every letter of w different from m belongs to a
unique high or low cluster. The landscape of w is a word over the alphabet
{L,m,H} obtained by replacing every low cluster of w by a single symbol L
and every high cluster of w by a single symbol H. For example, the word
w = 534212 has landscape HmHL for m = 3, with two high clusters 5 and
4 and a single low cluster 212. Note that w contains τ(i, j) at level m if and
only if the landscape of w contains the subsequence m
We will now describe the bijection between m-hybrids and (m +1)-hybrids.
Let w be an m-hybridwordandletX be its landscape. We split X into three
parts, X = PmS, where the prefix P is formed by the letters of X that appear
before the first occurrence of m in X, and where the suffix S is formed by
the letters that appear after the first occurrence of m.LetX
= SmP.Then
contains a subsequence m
if and only if X contains a
subsequence m
.SinceX is the landscape of a word that
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