Chapter 5
Avoidance of Nonsubword Patterns
in Compositions
5.1 History and connections
In Chapter 4, we looked at enumeration of subword patterns. In this chapter
the focus will be on pattern avoidance rather than enumeration. In addition
we will consider different types of patterns, namely subsequence patterns,
generalized patterns, and partially ordered patterns.
Research on avoiding (subsequence) permutation patterns has become an
important area of study in enumerative combinatorics, as evidenced by the
publication of a special volume of the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics on
permutation patterns (see, volume 9:2) and
hundreds of articles elsewhere in journals (see [25] and references therein for
an overview). This area of research has applications to computer science
and algebraic geometry and has proved to be useful in a variety of seemingly
unrelated topics, including the theory of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, sin-
gularities of Schubert varieties [128], Chebyshev polynomials [53, 126, 148],
rook polynomials for a rectangular board [146], various sorting algorithms
[123, Ch. 2.2.1], and sortable permutations [191].
Pattern avoidance was first studied for S
, the set of permutations of [n],
avoiding a subsequence pattern τ ∈S
. Knuth [122] found that the number
of permutations of [n] avoiding any τ ∈S
is given by the n-th Catalan
number. Later, Simion and Schmidt [179] determined |S
(T )|,thenumber
of permutations of [n] simultaneously avoiding any given set of subsequence
patterns T ⊆S
. Burstein [31] extended this to words of length n on the
alphabet {1, 2,...,k}, determining the number of words that avoid a set of
subsequence patterns T ⊆S
. Burstein and Mansour [33, 34] considered
forbidden subsequence patterns with repeated letters.
Recently, subsequence pattern avoidance has been studied for compositions.
Savage and Wilf [176] considered subsequence pattern avoidance in composi-
tions for a single pattern τ ∈S
, and showed that the number of compositions
of n avoiding τ ∈S
is independent of τ . Heubach and Mansour [91] filled
in the missing pieces by investigating avoidance of multi-permutation subse-
quence patterns of length three. These results are the focus of Section 5.2.
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