to eight dative bonds (Cox et al., 1990; Renn and Meares, 1992). Perhaps the simplest method
of DOTA functionalization is through modifi cation of one of its carboxylates to contain a short
spacer terminating in a reactive group capable of being coupled to proteins (Li and Meares,
1993). However, modifi cation of carbons on its cyclic backbone also is possible (Brechbiel
et al., 1993). Complexes of metal ions with DOTA have been studied in detail (Sherry et al .,
1989; Aime et al ., 1992).
A similar BCA to DOTA is NOTA, which is 1,4,7-triazacyclononane- N,N,N-triacetic acid.
NOTA contains a smaller ring structure in comparison to DOTA and only has 3 chelating car-
boxylate groups and 3 nitrogens, creating a maximal coordination potential for six dative bonds
with metal ions. Synthesis of functional derivatives can be done through C- or N-modifi cations,
creating reactive groups able to couple to proteins and other molecules (Cox et al., 1990). Cox
et al. (1990) have prepared an (S)-lysine derivative of a benzamide-protected, C-substituted
NOTA. Since coupling antibodies with NOTA through an amide linkage leaves only 2 free car-
boxylic acids, potentially making the reagent pentadentate for chelating purposes, metal com-
plexes formed with this reagent may have lower stability than those containing greater numbers
of chelating groups.
A third compound in the same category as DOTA and NOTA is TETA, which is 1,4,8,
11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-N , N,N , N-tetraacetic acid. TETA contains a larger ring structure
than the other two BCAs and has four chelating carboxylate groups and 4 nitrogens. Similar
to the other two chelators, C- and N-functionalized derivatives can be prepared with TETA
(Brechbiel et al., 1993). A p-bromoacetamidobenzyl-TETA derivative could be used to label
antibodies through sulfhydryl groups and securely bind radioactive copper for probing biologi-
cal systems in vivo (Moi et al ., 1985).
3 . D T T A
DTTA is N-(p-isothiocyanatobenzyl)-diethylenetriamine-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid. This
BCA contains four carboxylate groups and 3 nitrogens that can hold metals tightly in a coor-
dination complex of seven dative bonds. The compound is especially good at chelating lan-
thanide-series elements, such as europium, samarium, terbium, and dysprosium. Unlike the
previous BCAs which are used to prepare radiopharmaceutical reagents, this one is used pri-
marily for complexing metals to form fl uorescent probes for time-resolved fl uoroimmunoassays
3. DTTA 501