492 9. Fluorescent Probes
that use QDs for in cell or whole organism-based imaging, including tracking of targets within
cells (Dahan et al., 2003), gene localization within chromosomes (Xiao and Barker, 2004),
embryo developmental monitoring (Dubertret et al., 2002), tumor imaging in vivo (Gao et al. ,
2004), and multiplexed imaging and assays (Medintz et al., 2003; Wu et al., 2003), including
FRET signaling (Han et al., 2001). For a review on the use of QDs for cancer imaging and
treatment, see Vashist et al. (2006).
However, QD labels still are not without potential problems. Although the raw dots typi-
cally are less than 10 nm in diameter, the addition of thick surface layers for biocompatibil-
ity and conjugation can increase the hydrodynamic radius considerably. Most particles with
polymer coatings are in the 20–50 nm range in diameter, which often limits their use for cell-
based detection due to their inability to easily penetrate cells and diffuse freely to intracellu-
lar targets. Most cell imaging applications with this type of QD involve cell-surface staining
or transport within cells by endocytosis, which limits particle access to other areas within the
cell. In addition, nonspecifi c binding still plagues some QD probes when used with complex
biological samples.
Another potential defi ciency of QDs is the toxic nature of their metallic composition.
Most particles contain at least one known toxic metal (e.g., cadmium) or contain alloys with
unknown toxilogical properties. Cadmium-based QDs exposed to UV light for long periods
release cadmium ions, which are highly toxic to cells (Derfus et al., 2004). The initial proposal
that QDs would be ideal as fl uorescent probes for in vivo diagnostic imaging may not be fully
realized due to the potential for heavy metal toxicity in humans. Even the use of QDs for in
vitro research purposes must be done with care, as the solutions should be regarded as haz-
ardous waste and disposed of according to standards for handling heavy metal contaminated
Another potential diffi culty with using QDs relates to their special spectral characteristics.
Excitation of QDs optimally occurs in the low region of the spectrum, typically below 400 nm,
while emission usually is measured in regions that can be hundreds of nanometers away from
the excitation wavelength. Unfortunately, many instruments for imaging or fl uorimetry still
don’t contain lasers and fi lter sets that exactly match QD excitation and emission patterns.
Most instruments in use today initially were designed for organic fl uors with matched fi lter sets
for such common dye derivatives as fl uorescein, rhodamine, and the cyanine dyes. Using QDs
with these instruments may mean exciting at a non-optimal, higher wavelength than is recom-
mended to obtain full brightness.
However, the most important issue with QD fl uorescence is their tendency to blink or to
be completely dark and not fl uoresce at all. Individual QDs can undergo an on/off cycle that
results in a dark period of no light emission after a photon has been emitted (Nirmal et al. ,
1996; Efros and Rosen, 1997). This blinking can be observed on the order of milliseconds and
can be problematic if imaging at the single dot resolution or if using QDs for fl ow cytometry
purposes is important. When imaging a larger population of QDs, the problem of blinking will
be overcome by the fact that at any given moment many of the particles will be emitting light
and thus contributing to the overall signal. Blinking will lower the apparent QY for the com-
bined QD population, but it won ’t eliminate signal entirely. In addition, certain solution addi-
tives used at relatively high concentration (i.e., 100 mM DTT or 2-mercaptoethanol) may serve
to limit the blinking phenomena (Hohng and Ha, 2004).
A more severe issue with QDs, however, is the problem of dark or nonradiant dots in aque-
ous solution. Yao et al. (2005) documented that a signifi cant fraction of commercially available