Lucifer Yellow CH is soluble in aqueous solution, and it should be stable for awhile if pro-
tected from light. The reagent is available as three different salts of the sulfonate groups. The
ammonium salt of the fl uorophore is soluble to a level of 9 percent in water, while the lithium
and potassium salts have a solubility of 5 and 1 percent, respectively. A concentrated stock
solution of the fl uorophore may be prepared in water and an aliquot added to a buffered reac-
tion medium to facilitate the transfer of small quantities. For aqueous reactions, a pH range of
5–9 will result in effi cient hydrazone formation with aldehyde or ketone residues.
7. Phycobiliprotein Derivatives
Phycobiliproteins are intensely fl uorescent proteins that function as components in the photo-
synthetic apparatus of eukaryotic, blue-green algae and cyanobacteria (Glazer, 1981). The pro-
teins are found as aggregates in phycobilisome particles near the chlorophyll regions (Kronick,
1986). In the native state, phycobiliproteins do not fl uoresce; rather excitation energy is
designed to be effi ciently transferred to chlorophyll molecules for utilization in synthetic proc-
esses within the cell. Once purifi ed, however, excitation energy is released from phycobilipro-
teins as strong luminosity. The fl uorescent quantum effi ciencies of these proteins can be as high
as 0.98, far better than most synthetic probes (Grabowski and Gantt, 1978). In addition, each
biliprotein contains multiple chromophoric bilin prosthetic groups, conferring extremely high
absorbance coeffi cients to each protein molecule. B-phycoerythrin, for example, typically con-
tains 34 chromophoric groups giving an effective, combined extinction coeffi cient at 545 nm of
2.4 10
(Glazer and Hixson, 1977). The strong absorption bands are in the visible
region of the spectrum, extending from the green to the far red wavelengths. These absorption
spectra extend over a broad range of potential excitation wavelengths, allowing for versatility
in the excitation source employed and creating large Stoke ’s shifts, thus minimizing interference
from Rayleigh-scattered light (Loken et al., 1987).
Due to the presence of multiple fl uorescent groups in each phycobiliprotein, conjugates of
these molecules form extraordinarily luminescent probes. Labeling of macromolecules with
phycobiliprotein derivatives can provide absorption coeffi cients 30-fold higher than labe-
ling with small, synthetic fl uorophores. Their ability to be monitored by fl uorescing in the
red region of the spectrum decreases potential interferences from indigenous biological fl uo-
rescence. The protected bilin (tetra-pyrrole) prosthetic groups are not easily affected by their
external environment. They are not readily quenched by conjugation to another molecule or
affected by other components in solution. The prosthetic group orientation within the protein
molecules enables fl uorescence to take place independent of pH or ionic strength. The excel-
lent solubility of phycobiliproteins in aqueous solution allows easy chemical manipulation for
modifi cation or conjugation reactions, and their hydrophilic nature provides low nonspecifi c
binding character in fl uorescent detection applications.
There are three main classes of phycobiliproteins, differing in their protein structure,
bilin content, and fl uorescent properties. These are phycoerythrin, phycocyanin, and allo-
phycocyanin (APC). There are two main forms of phycoerythrin proteins commonly in use:
B-phycoerythrin isolated from Porphyridium cruentum and R-phycoerythrin from
Gastroclonium coulteri. There also are three main forms of pigments found in these proteins:
phycoerythrobilin, phycourobilin, and phycocyanobilin (Glazer, 1985). The relative content
of these pigments in the phycobiliproteins determines their spectral properties. All of them,
7. Phycobiliprotein Derivatives 461