and fi nally,
Using these relationships, it is obvious that the strongest nucleophile in protein molecules
is the sulfhydryl group of cysteine, particularly in the ionized, thiolate form. Next in line are
the amine groups in their uncharged, unprotonated forms, including the -amines at the
N-terminals, the -amines of lysine side chains, the secondary amines of histidine imidazolyl
groups and tryptophan indol rings, and the guanidino amines of arginine residues. Finally, the
least potent nucleophiles are the oxygen containing ionizable groups including the -carboxy-
late at the C-terminal, the -carboxyl of aspartic acid, the -carboxyl of glutamic acid, and the
phenolate of tyrosine residues.
According to the theoretical pK
values for the ionizable side chains of amino acids, nucle-
ophilic substitution reactions involving primary amines or sulfhydryl groups on proteins should
not be effi cient below a pH of about 8.5 ( Table 1.1 ). In practice, however, reactions can be done
with these groups in high yield at pH values not much higher than neutrality. This discrepancy
relates to the changes in pK
due to microenvironmental effects experienced by the residues
within the three-dimensional structure of the protein molecule. In reality, the -amine groups on
lysine side chains within proteins, having theoretical pK
s of over 10, nonetheless exist in suf-
fi cient quantity in an unprotonated form even at a pH of 7.2 that modifi cation easily occurs.
One important point should be noted, however. The changes that occur in the pK
of ioniz-
able groups in protein molecules due to microenvironmental effects sometimes make it diffi cult
to select certain residues for modifi cation simply by careful modulation of reaction pH. For
instance, at least in theory, overlap of the pK
range for sulfhydryls and amine-containing resi-
dues would eliminate any chance of directing a reaction toward SH groups solely by adjust-
ing the pH of the reaction medium. However, because of the microenvironmental changes that
occur in complex biomolecules, pH sometimes can be used along with the right reactive group
to target thiols without amine modifi cation. Thus, in practice, to effectively site-direct a modifi -
cation reaction, the proper choice of reactive group and reaction conditions can result in highly
discrete conjugation to certain sites within proteins.
Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Structure
Amino acids are linked through peptide bonds to form long polypeptide chains. The primary
structure of protein molecules is simply the linear sequence of each residue along the -chain.
Each amino acid in the chain interacts with surrounding groups through various weak, non-
covalent interactions and through its unique side chain functionalities. Noncovalent forces such
as hydrogen bonding and ionic and hydrophobic interactions combine to create each protein ’s
unique organization.
It is the sequence and types of amino acids and the way that they are folded that provides
protein molecules with specifi c structure, activity, and function. Ionic charge, hydrogen bond-
ing capability, and hydrophobicity are the major determinants for the resultant three-dimen-
sional structure of protein molecules. The -chain is twisted, folded, and formed into globular
structures, -helicies, and -sheets based upon the side-chain amino acid sequence and weak
intramolecular interactions such as hydrogen bonding between different parts of the peptide
1. Modifi cation of Amino acids, Peptides, and Proteins 15