Guidelines for design of SMALL HYDROPOWER PLANTS
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In the calculations it was supposed a rack discharge coefficient of 0.63, a net
rack area coefficient of 0.60, a rack slope of 20% inclined to downstream and a
20% of obstruction by solid materials. This assumption is currently applied in
design phase for bottom drop intake type.
Another formulation based on CHARDONNET, MEYNARDY and OTH, 1967,
and posterior developed by a computer code (RAMOS, H. and ALMEIDA, A.
B., 1991) to calculate the discharge and head variation along the rack was
compared with experimental tests (Figure 5.9).
This type of intake (also known by Tyrolian, bottom-grade, streambed and drop
intake) has been applied in Alpine areas, in Europe. Worldwide practice shows it
is applicable to small rivers, in particular, in mountainous or hilly regions with
flows transporting a large amount of debris and big stones, where there are steep
gradients or falls provoking rapids or flash floods to facilitate the rack automatic
5.2.2- Protection rack
The rack is an important protection element against the inflow of solid material
that can provoke damage in turbines. Longitudinal bars lean against crossbars
with or not transversal reinforcement beams characterise each rack element. The
rack is located at inlet entrance and can be of fixed or movable type. The rack
can be defined by its spacebar, a, length in flow direction, b, thickness, c, and the
total cross-section, S.
Visualisation of two bars Scheme of the rack
Figure 5.10 – Characterisation of the rack.
In order to avoid rack obstructions by solid materials, namely when installed in
an approach canal, it will appropriate to provide it with an auto trash rack.
The rack must be specified in order to avoid excessive head loss by grid
obstruction if the spacebars are too small, neither to allow driving solid material