12 Diffusion in Membranes 489
from the long-time limit through (12.1). Thus, if the technique used looks at
times prior to the long-time regime, it provides information of the dynamics
over a given time scale instead of the actual hydrodynamic limit.
Lateral Tracer Diffusion in a Lipid-Cholesterol Mixture
Cholesterol is a major component of the plasma membrane of animal eukary-
otic cells, comprising up to 50 mol % of the total lipid content [93]. A signif-
icant understanding of the role that cholesterol plays in the cell membrane
has been obtained from numerous experimental studies of lipid-cholesterol
model membranes [94]. These studies have demonstrated that cholesterol
has a variety of notable effects on the physical properties of lipid bilayers,
including an increase in the bulk bending modulus of bilayers containing
cholesterol [95], and changes in the orientational ordering of phospholipid
hydrocarbon chains [12]. Cholesterol also has a strong effect on the dynam-
ical properties of lipid bilayers, as is exemplified by numerous experimental
studies [62, 83, 96, 97] which have shown how cholesterol affects the rate of
lateral diffusion.
We shall here describe some observations for lateral tracer diffusion in
lipid bilayers containing cholesterol in order to illustrate how the diffusion
coefficient depends both on the phase state and the degree of conformational
order of long-chain lipid molecules. Off-lattice Monte Carlo simulations have
been used to study lateral diffusion [51] in lipid-cholesterol bilayers using a
two-dimensional minimal, strongly coarse grained model system [98,99]. This
study was motivated by two important ideas. First, the model predicted a
phase diagram in full qualitative agreement with the experimental phase
diagram of a lipid-cholesterol system. Second, since the model retains only
the key properties, which are expected to govern the behavior of interest
thereby omitting details of the molecular description which are not relevant
for phase behavior, one obtains an enormous reduction in the computational
cost of the simulations. This makes it possible to study much larger systems
for longer times, a feature which is necessary in order to be able to investigate
diffusion behavior over large time scales.
The phase diagram for the lipid-cholesterol model system [99,100] is shown
in Fig. 12.6. Figure 12.7 shows results for the lateral tracer diffusion coeffi-
cient D
of a lipid chain as a function of cholesterol concentration X
temperatures T/T
=0.99, 1.0, 1.01, 1.02, and 1.03, where T
denotes the
temperature of the main phase transition.
It was found that for T ≥ T
, D
generally decreases as X
is increased
from 0 to 0.45. For these temperatures, there is initially a slow decrease in D
for X
< 0.1, followed by a more rapid decrease up to about X
after which the curves tend to level off. An interesting observation is that
for T/T
=1.0, D
increases slightly with increasing X
temperature of T/T
=0.99, D
increases monotonically with X
. Finally,
for any value of X
, D
always increases with increasing temperature.