Chapter 7
Finite-Dimensional Vector
Human visual perception of dimension is limited to two and three, the plane
and space. However, his mental perception, and his ability to abstract, rec-
ognizes no bounds. If this abstraction were a mere useless mental exercise,
we would not bother to add this chapter to the book. It is an intriguing
coincidence that Nature plays along with the tune of human mental abstrac-
tion in the most harmonious way. This harmony was revealed to Hermann
Minkowski in 1908 when he convinced physicists and mathematicians alike,
that the most natural setting for the newly discovered special theory of rel-
ativity was a four-dimensional space. Eight years later, Einstein used this
concept to formulate his general theory of relativity which is the only viable
theory of gravity for the large-scale structure of space and time. In 1921,
Kaluza, in a most beautiful idea, unified the electromagnetic interaction with
gravity using a five-dimensional spacetime. Today string theory, one of the
most promising candidates for the unification of all forces of nature, uses
11-dimensional spacetime; and the language of quantum mechanics—a the-
ory that describes atomic, molecular, and solid-state physics, as well as all
of chemistry—is best spoken in an infinite-dimensional space, called Hilbert
The key to this multidimensional abstraction is Descartes’ ingenious idea
of translating Euclid’s geometry into the language of coordinates whereby the
abstract Euclidean point in a plane is given the two coordinates (x, y), and
that in space, the three coordinates (x, y, z), where x, y,andz are real num-
bers. Once this crucial step is taken, the generalization to multidimensional
spaces becomes a matter of adding more and more coordinates to the list:
(x, y, z, w) is a point in a four-dimensional space, and (x, y, z, w, u) describes
a point in a five-dimensional space. In the spirit of this chapter, we want to
identify points with vectors as in the plane and space, in which we drew a