affect, science, and language. Indeed, labor is the productive activity
of a general intellect and a general body outside measure. Labor
appears simply as the power to act, which is at once singular and
universal: singular insofar as labor has become the exclusive domain
of the brain and body of the multitude; and universal insofar as the
desire that the multitude expresses in the movement from the virtual
to the possible is constantly constituted as a common thing. Only
when what is common is formed can production take place and
can general productivity rise. Anything that blocks this power to
act is merely an obstacle to overcome—an obstacle that is eventually
outflanked, weakened, and smashed by the critical powers of labor
and the everyday passional wisdom of the affects. The power to
act is constituted by labor, intelligence, passion, and affect in one
common place.
This notion of labor as the common power to act stands in a
contemporaneous, coextensive, and dynamic relationship to the
construction of community. This relationship is reciprocal such that
on the one hand the singular powers of labor continuously create
new common constructions, and, on the other hand, what is com-
mon becomes singularized.
We can thus define the virtual power
of labor as a power of self-valorization that exceeds itself, flows
over onto the other, and, through this investment, constitutes an
expansive commonality. The common actions of labor, intelligence,
passion, and affect configure a constituent power.
The process we are describing is not merely formal; it is
material, and it is realized on the biopolitical terrain. The virtuality
of action and the transformation of material conditions, which at
times are appropriated by and enrich this power to act, are consti-
tuted in ontological mechanisms or apparatuses beyond measure.
This ontological apparatus beyond measure is an expansive power, a
power of freedom, ontological construction, and omnilateral dis-
This last definition could be considered redundant. If the
power to act constructs value from below, if it transforms value
according to the rhythm of what is common, and if it appropriates