Exercises 149
5.1 Write down the Miller indices and zone axis symbols for the slip planes and slip directions
in fcc and bcc crystals. (See also Exercise 1.5.)
5.2 Which of the directions [010], [432], [
210], [23
1], if any, lie parallel to the plane (115)?
Which of the planes (112), (321), (911
2), (1
11), if any, lie parallel to the direction [1
5.3 Write down the planes whose normals are parallel to directions with the same numerical
indices in the triclinic, monoclinic and tetragonal systems.
5.4 Using the ‘memograms’on pp. 139 and 140, find the plane which lies parallel to thedirections
[131] and [0
11]. Find the plane which lies parallel to the directions [102] and [
111]. Find
the direction which lies parallel to the intersection of the planes (342) and (10
3). Find the
direction which lies parallel to the intersection of the planes (21
3) and (110). Check your
answers by using the zone law.
5.5 An orthorhombic crystal (cementite, Fe
C) has unit cell vectors (or lattice parameters) of
lengths a = 452 pm, b = 508 pm, c = 674 pm.
(a) Find the d-spacings of the following families of planes: (101), (100), (111) and (202).
(b) Find the angles α, β, γ (Fig. 5.6) between the normal to the plane (111) and the three
crystal axes.
(c) Find the angles p, q, r between the [111] direction and the three crystal axes. Briefly
explain why these angles are not the same as those in (b).
5.6 Figure 3.2 shows the cubic I and cubic F lattices and the corresponding primitive rhombo-
hedral unit cells. Study these figures carefully, then close the book and redraw them for
yourself—to ensure that you understand the geometries of the cells in each case. Assign unit
cell vectors A, B, C to the primitive rhombohedral cells and unit cell vectors a, b, c to the
cubic I and cubic Fcells and derive the transformation matrices for indices (hkl) (HKL)
and direction symbols [UVW ] [uvw] in each case.
5.7 Draw the directions (zone axes) [001], [010], [210], [110] in a hexagonal unit cell, and
determine their Weber zone axis symbols,
5.8 Using the ‘memograms’on p. 143, find the direction (Weber symbol) [UVTW] which lies
parallel to the intersection of planes (1 2
3 1) and (0
1 1 2). Find the plane (hkil) which lies
parallel to the directions [3
2 1] and [1 0
1 2]. Check your answers by using the zone law
for Miller–Bravais axes.
5.9 In an hcp crystal, sketch the traces of the (0002) and {10
11} planes in a 11
20 zone. Note
the near-hexagonal arrangement of these planes around the zone axis. Determine the value
of the axial ratio c/a, for which the arrangement of these planes is exactly hexagonal.