Spark tester, 367
with alligator clip, 118, 367
always use, 119, 368
diagnosis, 118, 367
diagnostic process, 367
recessed center close-up, 119, 367
Special service tools (SST), 19
Specific energy, of hydrogen, 410
Specific gravity, diesel fuel
testing, 109
Speed density, 199
Speed-density fuel-injection system,
central port injection, 265
demand delivery system, 263
fuel injectors, 264
idle control, 266–267
MAP sensor values, 199–200
modes of operation, 266
stepper motor operation, 267
Splash gasoline blending, 89
Splice pack (SP), 163
Spontaneous combustion, 23
SPOUT (spark output), 115, 376
Spray-guided combustion, 273
diagram, 273
Spreader tool, reinstallation of
exhaust manifold, 120
Spring-lock connectors, 242
quick-connect shown, 243
tool for disassembly, 242
“Spring test”, 279
Sprinter, troubleshooting chart, 76
SRE housing, 95
SST (special service tools), 19
Stall acceleration test, 78
Standadyne assembly, schematic, 64
Standard corporate protocol (SCP), 168
STAR (self-test automatic readout)
tester, 387
Star link networks, 163–164
Starter amperage test, 91
Starter diagnosis chart, 94
Starter drives, cranking circuit, 89
Starter drive-to-flywheel clearance,
checking for proper clearance, 95
procedure for proper clearance,
shims needed, 95
touch test, 95
Starter motors
avoid hitting, 92
battery condition, 89
cranking circuit, 89
diagnosing using visual
inspection, 90
diagnosis chart, 94
Starter ring gear, 54
Starter solenoid (relay)
cranking circuit, 89
source of battery drain, 89
Starter testing
check battery, 91
connections (SUN VAT 45), 91
starter amperage test, 91
using scan tool, 91–92
Starting and charging tester, typical
hookup, 100
Start/stall/start/stall problem, 101
State Implementation Plan (SIP), 308
State of health (SOH), 174
Static electricity, 92
blown cylinder head gaskets, 136
excessive exhaust head gasket
failure, 148
possible causes, 135
Steering, brake, and overdrive switch
test, 388
Steering system service, 405
Steering wheel controls, E & C
communication, 235
Stepped ECT circuits, 179–180
Stepper motor operation, 267
disadvantage for ETC, 279
schematic, 267
Step-up resistor, 179
Stethoscope fuel-injection test, 288
fuel returning, 288
lack of sound, 288
Stoichiometric, 232–233
Stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, 85
CNG, 102
Stone wheels, 21
Straight blade screwdrivers, 11
Straight cut aviation snips, 15
Straight vegetable oil (SVO) as
fuel, 111
Stratified catalyst heating mode, 273
Stratified mode, 272, 273
Stroke, 54
how it is determined, 54
Strokes, number of, 49
Studs, 4
Subaru, intercooler, 129
Substrate, 343
SULEV (super ultra low emission
vehicle), 306–307
Sulfur, 108
SUN VAT 45 starter tester, 91
Supercharged engines, MAP sensor
calibration, 196
Supercharger, 125
boost control, 126, 129–130
centrifugal, 126
Ford cutaway view, 127
Ford V-8, 124
induction pressure, 53
pressurizing air, 124
roots type, 126
service, 126
types of, 126
volumetric efficiency, 123
Supercharger boost control, 126,
boost control factors, 129
bypass valve, 126
purpose and function, 129
relief valves, 130
wastegate, 129–130
Superimposed position of ignition
oscilloscopes, 134
Surface charge, 82
SVO (straight vegetable oil) as
fuel, 111
SWCAN (single-wire CAN), 166
Swirl combustion, 273
diagram, 274
Switchgrass, 96
Switching, 356–357
ignition system, 105–106
Synchronized throttle-body fuel-
injection, 258
Syncrude, 105
Syn-gas (synthesis gas), 101
Synthetic engine oil, 126
Synthetic fuels, 104–105
coal to liquid (CTL), 105
Fischer-Tropsch, 104–105
future of, 105
methanol-to-gasoline (MTG), 105
TAC (Throttle Actuator Control)
module, 278
Tachometer trick, 109, 358
Tach reference (purple/white)
wire, 116
Tailpipe outlet exhaust, precautions, 74
Tap test, 208
catalytic converters, 346
Target idle speed, TP sensor, 233
Target speed idle, 191
Task manager, 154
enabling criteria, 156
TBT (throttle-body temperature), 185
TDC (top dead center), 49
TDMA (time division multiple access)
protocol, 173
Tech 2 scan tool, 384
bypass mode, 174
DTC P0336, 123
pinging, 173–174
retrieving global OBD II, 47
zero RPM while engine running, 122
Technical service bulletins (TSBs), 3,
Technical service information bulletins
(TSIB), 3
Technician’s toughie story, 233
, 275
TEL (tetraethyl lead), 86
Temperature sensors
DTCs, 188
fuel delivery, 258
Tensile strength, 6
Tensioners, noise from, 138
Terminating resistors, 174
Tertiary-amyl methyl ether (TAME), 88
Tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), 87
Test Identification (TID), 47
hexadecimal coding, 160
Testing, basic tests, 379
Test lights, 18
Tetraethyl lead (TEL), 86
TFT (transmission fluid temperature)
sensor, 186–187
Thermactor pump, 339
Thermal stress, 119
Thermal vacuum valves, leaking, 148
cooling system, 47
normal operating temperatures, 183
Thimble design for oxygen sensor, 231
Threaded fasteners, 4–7
Threads, 4
3 X 5 card test, 337–338
Three Cs, 4
Three-way catalytic converter
(TWC), 344
Three-wire oxygen sensor, 213
Throttle Actuator Control (TAC)
module, 278
Throttle body, removal for cleaning, 298
Throttle body assembly, 278–279
cleaning procedure, 283
electronic throttle body motor, 279
precautions with, 283
throttle plate and spring, 279
Throttle body cleaning, 283
Throttle-body fuel-injection
systems, 256
Chevrolet V-6, 257
fuel pressure regulator shown, 258
fuel pump current draw, 253
nonsynchronized, 258
rich-lean switching frequencies, 221
synchronized, 258
Throttle-body injection intake manifolds
intake air speeds, 115–116
terminology, 115
Throttle-body injection unit, on GM
V-6, 116
Throttle-body injector
purpose, 115
shorted, 101
Throttle body relearn procedure, 284
Throttle-body temperature (TBT), 185
Throttle-body temperature sensor, 185
PCM uses for, 191
Throttle control assembly, corrosion
shown, 283
Throttle plate motor
H-bridge circuit, 279
shown, 280
Throttle plates, 279
cleaning, 298
default position shown, 279
fail safe position, 279
neutral position, 279
normal and abnormal operation, 282
staying where it is moved, 282
Throttle position (TP) sensors, 190,
277, 280–281
5-volt reference, 193
backing up other sensors, 233
computer input functions,
191, 233
DTCs, 194, 236
fuel delivery, 257
Hall-effect, 281
location, 278
open on DTC, 385
opposite voltage signals, 280
PCM uses for, 233
potentiometers, 190
pulse width, 259
skewed, 193
testing, 192–193, 234–236
with multimeter, 192
using Min/Max function, 193
using scan tool, 193
three-wire potentiometer, 280
three wires, 190
voltage at idle, 190
waveform, 74
Throttle-position (TP) sensor testing,
using Min/Max function, 193
using scan tool, 193
Throttling losses, 61
TID (test identification), 47, 160
Time base, 73
Time division multiple access (TDMA)
protocol, 173
Time per division, 74–75
Timing chain, noise, 138
Tin snips, 15
Tire pressure, service, 405
Tires, disposal, 42
Titania (titanium oxide) oxygen
sensor, 214
TLEV (transitional low emission
vehicle), 306
Tool sets and accessories, 17–18
Top dead center (TDC), 49
Top-tier gasoline, 91
Torque, 58
ft-lb or lb-ft, 58
Torque converter
clutch engagement and release, 233
engine noise diagnosis, 138
Torque converter clutch, 191
Torque wrenches, 10
Total suspended particulate (TSP), 71
Touch test, 95
Towing, 401–402
Toxic materials, 35
airflow sensors, 210
battery replacement issues, 87
BUS communications, 172
clearing DTCs, 386
combination spark plug system,
113, 364
direct fuel injection, 270
EGR temperature sensor, 187
failed emission test, 210, 314
fuel cap, tightening, 324
hybrid vehicles, 30
low engine power problem, 115, 366
scan tools, 46, 384
scan tools compared for air-fuel
ratio, 234
turbocharger, 124
Toyota Camry
high idle, 282
smog emissions label, 308
Toyota FCHV, 411, 414, 416, 417
Toyota HEV, closed loop operation, 230
Toyota Prius, jump starting, 401
TP (throttle position) sensors
backing up other sensors, 233
computer input functions, 233
fuel delivery, 257
PCM uses for, 233
pulse width, 259
testing, 234–236
T-pin, 192
TP sensors
computer input functions, 191
PCM uses for, 191
potentiometers, 190
three wires, 190
voltage at idle, 190
Track, 370
definition, 125
diagram, 125, 370
Transaxles, fuel-cell hybrid
vehicles, 416
Transformers, 355
Transistor, 106, 357
Transmission fluid temperature (TFT)
sensor, 186–187
Transmission oil temperature (TOT)
sensor, 186–187
Transverse mounting, 49
shown, 51
Tri-fuel vehicles, 104
Trigger level, 76
Triggers, 76, 106, 357
Trigger slope, 76
Trip, 391
definition, 157
Trouble codes, U codes, 169
Trouble lights, 19