High-voltage safety equipment, 397–399
CAT III-rated digital multimeter, 398
eye protection, 399
fiberglass pole, 399
insulation tester, 398
rubber gloves, 397, 406–407
safety cones, 399
High-voltage system
de-powering, 399, 401, 402
discharge levels and timing, 400
service precautions, 402
HMIG (Hazardous Materials
Identification Guide), 43–44
Hoisting a hybrid vehicle, 402
Hoisting vehicles, 23–25
hoist pad adapters, 25
lift location, 24
step by step, 32–33
Homogeneous Charge Compression
Ignition (HCCI), 419
shown, 420
Homogeneous knock protection
mode, 273
Homogeneous lean mode, 273
Homogeneous mode, 272
Homogeneous stratified mode, 273
BUS communications, 172
ECT sensor (resistance chart), 183
ECT sensor (voltage chart), 183
FCX fuel-cell vehicle, 414
fuel-cell hybrid vehicle
ultracapacitor, 415
hybrid electric vehicle safety, 30
scan display, 172
scan tool, 46, 173, 384
toque wrench calibration, 10
Honda Civic GX
CNG storage tank, 102
fuel injectors, 102
Horizontally opposed engine design, 51
altitude and, 59
formula, 55
fuel flow and, 87
generator requirements, 96
power related, 55
Hose trick, 142
Hot film mass airflow sensor, 205–206
sensing wire, 206
Hot wire mass airflow sensor,
HPA (Hydraulic Power Assist), 419
HPCR (high-pressure common rail)
fuel delivery, 64, 65
HV (high-voltage), 397
HV (high-voltage) circuits, 397
HVAC (heating, ventilation, and
air-conditioning), 235
HV cables, 397
HV gloves, 397
use of, 406–407
Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), 29–31
Hybridization, 414
Hybrid Synergy Drive (HSD), in
FCHV, 411
Hydraulic electronic unit injection
components, 64
operation, 65–66
O-ring grooves, 65
Hydraulic hybrid storage system, 419
Hydraulic Power Assist (HPA), 419
Hydrocarbons (HC)
exhaust analysis, 311
HC too high, 312
high, cause and correction, 314
non-methane hydrocarbon
(NMHC), 311
strong exhaust smell, 314
Hydrocracking, 82
Hydroelectric power, 422–423
Hydrogen, 410
no carbon in fuel, 419
Hydrogen storage, 417–418
high-pressure compressed gas,
liquid hydrogen, 418
Hydrokinetic flow pump, 244
Hydro-lock fault in engine, 91
Hydrometer, for diesel fuel testing, 109
Hydrostatic lock, 142
IAC (idle air control), 295
airflow shown, 296
cleaning passages, 298
diagnosis, 295
housing, 296
typical, 296
IAC (idle air control) valve, 267
milliamperes, 270
IAC counts, 288
scan tool, 289
IAT sensor
DTCs, 185
in intake manifold, 184
location, 185
performance and driveability, 185
pulse width, 259
purpose and function, 184–185
testing, 186
troubleshooting with DTCs, 188
IC (ignition control), 115
ICM (ignition control module, or
igniter), 356
IDI (indirect injection diesel) engine, 62
prechamber and glow plug, 62
Idle air control (IAC), 295
airflow shown, 296
cleaning passages, 298
diagnosis, 295
housing, 296
typical, 296
Idle air control (IAC) counts, 288
scan tool, 289
Idle air control (IAC) valve, 267
milliamperes, 270
Idle air control passages, cleaning, 298
Idle control, port fuel-injection systems,
auxiliary air bypass, 267
Idle controls strategy, 191
Idle control strategy, 233
Idle speed control (ISC) motor, 268
Idle vacuum test, 145
IEC (International Electrotechnical
Commission), voltage
standards, 398
Ignitable materials, 35
diesel fuel ignition, 62
external trigger, 76
ion-sensing, 365
Ignition coil, 355–356
Ignition coil circuits
bypass control system, 116
terminology, 115
Ignition coils, 355
bad wire, 125
construction, 105, 355
operation, 48, 104, 119
precaution with sparks, 104
Ignition coil testing
current ramping ignition coils, 119
current ramping test procedure, 120
magnetic pickup tool test, 119
magnetic sensor testing, 368–369
using an ohmmeter, 119, 367–368
Ignition control (IC), 115
Ignition control (IC) signal, 115
Ignition control circuits, up-integrated
ignition, 116
Ignition control module (ICM, or igniter)
ignition coil operation, 105,
operation, 48
tachometer trick, 109, 358
Ignition delay, 62
Ignition misfire, 223
false lean indication, 225
hash pattern, 223–224
Ignition modules, pulse width, 75
Ignition off draw (IOD) test, 86–87
Ignition primary (pickup coil or crank
sensor) pulse, 289
Ignition scope testing
converting between units (chart), 136
dwell section, 134
firing line, 133
intermediate oscillations, 134, 136
pattern selection, 134–135
spark line, 133–134
technician’s toughie story, 135
terminology, 133
transistor-on point, 134
typical scope hookups, 133
typical secondary pattern, 133
Ignition sensors, operation, 48
Ignition switch
column-mounted, 90
cranking circuit, 89
location, 260
Ignition switching and triggering,
105–107, 356–358
primary circuit operation, 106–107,
switching, 105–106, 356–357
triggering, 106, 357
Ignition systems
background, 103–104, 354–355
coil-on-plug ignition, 111–114,
components, 48
DI, 107, 109, 354, 355, 360
diagnosis, 118–120, 367–369
disabling, precautions, 141, 370
Homogeneous Charge Compression
Ignition (HCCI), 419
ignition coil, 104–105, 355–356
knock sensors, 114–115, 365–366
power balance test, 144
purpose and function, 103, 354
switching and triggering, 105–107,
symptom guide, 138, 376
testing, 118–120, 367–369
waste-spark ignition systems,
110–111, 355, 361–363
Ignition system testing
checking for spark, 118, 367
ignition coil testing, 119–120, 367–368
magnetic sensor testing, 119, 120,
Ignition timing, 375
checking, 130, 375
initial (base) timing chart, 130, 376
marks on harmonic balancers,
130, 376
purpose, 130, 375
ILEV (inherently low emission
vehicle), 307
IM 240 test, 310
OBD-II vehicles, 154
Impact screwdrivers, 12
Impact socket, 20
Impact wrenches, 19–20
Impeller (compressor) wheel, 127
diagram, 128
I/M test programs, 309
Incandescent lights, 19
Inches of mercury (in. Hg), 144
Inches-of-water manometer
(gauge), 338
gauge shown, 338
Indicator ring, fuel-injection lines, 242
Indirect injection diesel (IDI) engine, 62
prechamber and glow plug, 62
Inductive ammeters, battery electrical
drain test, 88
Inductive charging, 421
Inert, 327
Inertia switch, 240
cutaway view, 241
schematic, 247
Infection control precautions, 29
Infrared thermometer (pyrometer), 348
In. Hg (inches of mercury), 144
Injection pump, diesel engine, 60
distributor injection pump, 64
high-pressure common rail, 64
need for high-pressure, 63
schematic of Standadyne
assembly, 64
Injector body, diesel engine, 66
Injector flow rate, 87
Injector pop testing, 77
Injector pressure chamber, diesel
engine, 66
Injector pulse, testing for, 289–290
Injector pulse width (PW), 258
Injector pump, diesel fuel-injection
system, 61
Injectors, diesel engine
calibration number, 78
precautions about switching, 78
Injector voltage-drop tests, 293–294
Inlet manifold, 115
Inline engines, 49
exhaust gas control, 327
In-line gasoline blending, 89
Inspection/Maintenance (I/M)
testing, 310
age of vehicle and, 312
evaporative emission system, 322
Instrument panel (IP) electrical center,
E & C (entertainment and
comfort) communication, 165
Insulated tools, 403
Insulation tester, 398
Intake air speeds, 115–116
Intake air temperature (IAT), resistance
and voltage drop versus, 186
Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor
GM V-6 location, 185
in intake manifold, 184
location, 185
performance and driveability, 185
pulse width, 259
purpose and function, 184–185
testing, 186
Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor
testing, 186
Intake manifold pressure, how altitude
affects, 201
Intake manifold runners, sonic
tuning, 116
Intake manifolds
airflow, 117
clogged EGR passages, 333
inlet manifold, 115
long or short runners, 116
plastic intake, 116–117
upper and lower, 117
variable, 116
Intake manifold vacuum
calculating, 197
fuel pressure related (chart), 262
Intake regulator, DDS, 264
Intake systems
air intake infiltration, 113–115
port fuel-injection intake manifolds,
throttle-body injection intake
manifolds, 115–116
Intake valve overlap, 124
Intake valves, 49
carbon deposits, 275
Integrated starter alternator (ISA), 29
Integrated starter generator (ISG), 29
Intercooler, 129
Subaru, 129
Interior protection, 23
Intermediate oscillations, 134
reading, 136
Intermittent malfunctions,
diagnosing, 392
Intermittent spark, 382
Internal air manifold, 339
Internal combustion engine, 46
air pressure related, 196
International Automotive Technicians
Network, 210
International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC), voltage
standards, 398
Internet, 3
Inverters, fuel-cell hybrid vehicle, 416
Ion-sensing ignition, 114–115, 365
applied voltage for ion-sensing, 114
“IR” drop. See Voltage drop
Iridium spark plugs, 127, 372
ISA (integrated starter alternator), 29
ISC (idle speed control) motor, 268
ISG (integrated starter generator), 29
Isooctane, 86
Isuzu, Flex Fuel vehicles, 99
J2534 reprogramming, 393–394
setup, 394
view of typical, 394
Jacks, 25–26
Japanese vehicles, vane airflow
sensor, 205
Jeep, distributor indexing, 132
Jump starting, 27, 85, 401
cable usage guide, 84
ground for, 85
preventing cables from touching, 85