Blue exhaust smoke, 75
oil leaks, 135
BMAP (barometric manifold absolute
pressure) sensor, 201
BMW, direct fuel injection, 270
BNC connector, 77
Bolts, 4–5
simple engine testing, 140
Boost, 123
compression ratios, 124–125
result of restriction, 129
Bores, 54
Borrowing tools, 18
Bosch, modes of operation, 272–273
Bosch L-Jetronic, vane airflow
sensor, 205
Bosch-Siemans-Temic (BST) BUS
communication, 172
Bottom dead center (BDC), 49
BOV (blow-off valve), 130
flow diagnosis, 131
Box-end wrenches, 8
Boxer engine design, 49
Brake, braking system service, 405
Brake dust, 37
Brake fluid, color of leak, 137
Brake pedal trick, 395
Brand names, tools, 15
Brazil, 95, 104
Breaker bars, 9
Breakout box (BOB)
European vehicles, 173
testing BUS, 173
TP sensor testing, 234
British thermal unit (BTU), 84
Broadband oxygen sensor, 229
BST (Bosch-Siemans-Temic) BUS
communication, 172
BTU (British thermal unit), 84
Bump caps, 21
Burn kV, 135
BUS, 165
BUS communication, 165
differential type, 162
General Motors, 176
multiplexing, 162–163
parallel type, 162
serial data type, 162
typical system schematics, 166
Butane-powered soldering irons, 18
“BXX” bioethanol blends, 111
Bypass (tan/black) wire, 116
Bypass ignition control, 116
Bypass mode, 174
Bypass regulator for fuel line
pressure, 263
Bypass valves, 126
bypass actuator shown, 126
Byteflight BUS communication, 173
CA (cranking amperes), 81
CAA (Clean Air Act), 36
Calibration codes, 2
California Air Resources Board
(CARB), 153
OBD-II objectives, 153–154
California emission standards, 306
Cam-in-block design, 51
Campaigns, 4
Cam retard value, 132
Camshaft overlap, 124
Camshaft position (CMP) sensor
CKP sensor relationship, 131
distributor indexing, 131–132
worn distributor drive gear, 132
Camshafts, valve and camshaft
number and location, 51
CAN (controller area network), 165
background, 170
BUS connected to accessories and
systems, 171
Class A, B, and C, 170–171
diagnostic systems, P0440, 324
differential module
communication, 171
features, 170
CAN A, 170–171
CAN B, 170–171
CAN C, 170–171
CANDi (CAN diagnostic interface)
module, 168
green LED flashing, 168
CAN H circuit, 175
Canister purge (CANP) valve/
solenoid, 320
Canister purge system pressure test, 323
Canister vent valve, 320
CAN L circuit, 175
Capacity test, 83
Capless system, 318
Cap screws, 4, 5
CARB (California Air Resources
Board), 153
Carbon balls in EGR valves, 332
Carbon cleaning, 275
Carbon dioxide (CO
exhaust analysis, 311
as measure of efficiency, 313
measuring, 313
Carbon dioxide (CO
) fire
extinguishers, 27–28
Carbon fouling, 128, 373
shown, 129, 374
Carbon issues, 275
Carbon knock, simple engine testing, 140
Carbon monoxide (CO)
CO as meaning “clogged oxygen”, 313
CO too high, 312–313
dizzy feeling or headache, 314
dog food in air intake ducts, 314
exhaust analysis, 311
high, cause and correction, 315
same as O2 reading, 313
Carbon pile test, 101
Casting numbers, 2–3
Catalyst efficiency test, GM, 51
Catalysts, 343
Catalytic converter, 343
acceptable exhaust emissions, 312
clogged, 146
construction, 343
converter-damaging conditions, 346
defective, 346, 349
diagnosis, 346–348
light-off temperature, 344
location, 343
monolithic substrate shown, 344
OBD-II catalytic converter
performance, 345–346
operation, 344, 350–351
oxygen sensor signals, 212–213
replacement, 348, 348–349
guidelines, 348–349
usage, 344–345
Catalytic converter diagnosis
defective, 346, 349
DTCs, 349
efficiency tests, 348
tap test, 346
testing backpressure
with pressure gauge, 346–347
with vacuum gauge, 347–348
testing for temperature rise, 348
Catalytic converter monitor, 216
Catalytic cracking, 82
Cathode, 412
Cathode ray tube (CRT) oscilloscope, 72
CAT III-rated digital multimeter, 398
CAT ratings for high voltage, 398
Cavalier convertible story, 201
CBV (compressor bypass valve), 130
CCA (cold-cranking amperes), 80
CCD multiplex networks
“collision”, meaning of term, 169
plus and minus signals, 169
CCM (comprehensive component
monitor), 154
Cellulose ethanol, 96
Cellulosic biomass, 96
Central port fuel injection, 265
diagram, 265
factory replacement unit, 266
Centrifugal supercharger, 126
Ceramic capacitor diaphragm, 196
Cerium, 344
in aftermarket catalytic converter, 348
Cetane number, 108
for E-diesel, 112
CFR (Code of Federal Regulations), 35
Channel Locks, 13
Charcoal canister, 17, 92
location, 318
Charge density, 123
Charge indicator light, checking
voltage, 96
Charging battery, 85–86
Charging circuit, 80
generator output test, 100–101
voltage drop test voltmeter hookup, 93
Charging methods (EV), 421
conductive, 421
inductive, 421
Charging rise time, 119
Charging stations, 421
Charging system
voltage drop testing, 99–100
voltage specifications, 96
voltage test procedure, 96
Chassis, floating ground for, 400
Cheater bars, 11
Check engine light
shown, 153
visual inspection, 296
Check gas cap indication lamp, 322
Check valves, 240, 339
failure, 339
location, 339
Chemical poisoning, 39
Chemical tester, head gaskets
diagnosis, 147
Chevrolet Blazer, EVRV
replacement, 332
Chevrolet Cobalt, no-start story, 176
Chevrolet Corvette
catalytic converter location, 343
SAI pump, 340
Chevrolet Equinox, schematic with
Chevrolet four-cylinder, start/stall/
start/stall problem, 101
Chevrolet HHR, hard-to-start, 123
Chevrolet pickup, two-minute
alternator repair, 100
Chevrolet pickup story, 214
Chevrolet Silverado, 31
Chevrolet V-6, dual nozzle TBI unit, 267
Chevrolet V-6 pickup, cam retard
value, 132
Chevrolet V-8
dual turbocharger system, 131
no start condition, 122
Chisels, 16
5-volt reference of oxygen sensor, 217
battery or system voltage scan
tool, 83
bias voltage, 169, 170
ceramic disc MAP sensor, 199
combined BARO and IAT sensor
(older models), 202
communication protocols, 169–170
distributor indexing, 132
ECT sensor without pull-up
resistor, 182
ECT sensor with pull-up resistor, 182
ECT sensor with pull-up resistor
switched by PCM, 182
electric fuel pumps, 245–246
electronic conductance tester, 84
ETC warning lamp, 282
flash code retrieval, 388
Flex Fuel vehicles, 99
how to read VIN, 100
ignition coil circuit design, 132
injector resistance table, 291
leak detection pump (LDP), 321
MAP sensor chart, 199
OBD-II data link connector, 170
pressure-type Karman Vortex
sensor, 207
scan tools, 46, 384
SCI (serial communications
interface), 169
SCI and CCD module
communication, 169–170
stepped ECT circuits, 179
task manager, 154
transaxle sensor temperature to
resistance, 186
transmission fluid temperature
sensor, 187
Chrysler Collision Communication
(CCD), 169
Chrysler Hemi V-8, 113, 364
CHT (cylinder head temperature)
sensor, 187
CID (component identification), 47, 160
CIP (constant differential injector
pressure), 263
Clacking noises, 138, 139
Class 2 communications, 165
diagnosis circuit check, 173–174
no-start story, 176
Clatter, possible causes, 139
Clean Air Act (CAA, 1990), 36, 154
Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA), 306
exhaust analysis testing, 308
Cleaning machine, fuel-injection
service, 298
Clear flood mode, 191, 233
Clicker-type torque wrenches, 10
Clicking noises, 139
Clogged oxygen, 313
Closed-end wrenches, 8
Closed-loop operation, 214
wide-band oxygen sensor, 230
Cloud point of diesel fuel, 108
Clunking noise, possible causes, 139
CNG (compressed natural gas), 102–103
(carbon dioxide) fire
extinguishers, 27–28
Coal to liquid (CTL) fuel, 105–106
Coast-down stall, ETC performance
issues, 283
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 35
Coil-on-plug (COP) ignition, 355
adjusting ignition timing, 130, 375
advantages, 112, 363
ion-sensing ignition, 114, 365
overhead camshaft engine, 113
scope-testing, 137–138
system, 104
terminology, 111, 363
types of systems, 112–114, 363–365
typical system, 113, 364
Coil-on-plug (COP) ignition coils, 107, 357
Coil-over-plug-type ignition systems,
113–114, 364–365
Coil primary wiring, tachometer trick,
109, 358
Coked oil, 128
Cold chisels, 16
Cold climate electric vehicle
concerns, 420–421
Cold-cranking amperes (CCA), 80
Cold-start warm-up, 274
Combination wrenches, 8
Combustion, 46
diesel engine, 60, 62–63
three phases, 62–63
Combustion by-products, 335
Combustion chamber, 46
pressure differential diagram, 113
Combustion chamber volume, 58
Commutator bars, 98
Compact disc player, 235
Companion cylinder, 110, 361
determining, 110, 361
Component identification (CID), 47, 160
hexadecimal coding, 160
Comprehensive component monitor
(CCM), 154
number of times for fault detection, 160
operation, 155
Compressed natural gas (CNG), 102–103
amount equal to in gasoline, 103
CNG label on vehicles, 102
composition, 102–103
ethyl mercaptan (“skunk”) for leak
detection, 102
fuel systems, 103
refueling a vehicle, 103
refueling station pressures, 103
vehicle design, 102–103
Compression gauge
compression testing, 75
readings, 141
Compression gauge set, 141
Compression ratio (CR), 55, 57
boost, 124–125
changing, 57–58
formula for calculating, 57