NonlinearBook10pt November 20, 2007
For the remainder of this chapter, we assume that all storage
functions of G are continuous on D. Now, the following corollary is
immediate from Theorem 13.17 and s hows that a system G is dissipative
(respectively, geometrically dissipative) with respect to the supply rate
r(·, ·) if and only if there exists a continuous storage function V
satisfying (13.109) (respectively, a continuous geometric storage f unction
(·) satisfying (13.110)).
Corollary 13.9. Consid er the discrete-time nonlinear dynamical sys-
tem G given by (13.100) and (13.101) and assume that G is completely
reachable. Then G is dissipative (respectively, geometrically dissipative)
with respect to supply rate r(·, ·) if and only if there exists a continuous
storage function (respectively, geometric storage function) V
(x), x ∈ D ,
satisfying (13.109) (respectively, (13.110)).
Proof. The result is immediate from Theorem 13.17 with V
(x) =
The following theorem provides conditions f or guaranteeing that all
storage functions (respectively, geometric storage functions) of a given
discrete-time dissipative (respectively, geometrically dissipative) nonlinear
dynamical s ystem are positive definite. For this result we requ ir e the
following definition.
Definition 13.15. A dynamical system G is zero-state observable if
u(k) ≡ 0 and y(k) ≡ 0 implies x(k) ≡ 0.
Theorem 13.18. Consider the discrete-time nonlinear dynamical sys-
tem G given by (13.100) and (13.101), and assume that G is completely
reachable and zero-state observable. Furthermore, assume that G is
dissipative (respectively, geometrically dissipative) with respect to s upply
rate r(u, y) and there exists a function κ : Y → U such that κ(0) = 0 and
r(κ(y), y) < 0, y 6= 0. Then all the storage functions (respectively, geometric
storage functions) V
(x), x ∈ D, for G are positive definite, that is, V
(0) = 0
and V
(x) > 0, x ∈ D, x 6= 0.
Proof. It follows from Theorem 13.17 that the available storage V
x ∈ D, is a storage function for G. Next, suppose there exists x ∈ D
such that V
(x) = 0, which implies that r(u(k), y(k)) = 0, k ∈ Z
, for all
admissible inputs u(·) ∈ U. Since th ere exists a function κ : Y → U such
that r(κ(y), y) < 0, y 6= 0, it follows that y(k) = 0, k ∈ Z
. Now, since G
is zero-state observable it follows that x = 0, and hence, V
(x) = 0 if and
only if x = 0. The result now follows from (13.111). Finally, the proof for
the geometrically dissipative case is identical and, hence, is omitted.