NonlinearBook10pt November 20, 2007
3.8 Problems 182
3.9 Notes and References 204
Chapter 4. Advanced Stability Theory 207
4.1 Introduction 207
4.2 Partial Stability of Nonlinear Dynamical S y stems 207
4.3 Stability Theory for Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems 225
4.4 Lagrange Sta b ility, Boundedness, and Ultimate Boundedness 236
4.5 Input-to-State Stability 245
4.6 Finite-Time Stability of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems 252
4.7 Semistability of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems 259
4.8 Generalized Lyapunov Theorems 268
4.9 Lyapunov and Asymptotic Stability of Sets 283
4.10 Poincar´e Maps and Stability of Periodic Orbits 290
4.11 Stability Theory via Vector Lyapunov Functions 300
4.12 Problems 313
4.13 Notes and R eferences 322
Chapter 5. Dissipativity Theory for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems 325
5.1 Introduction 325
5.2 Dissipativ e and Exponentially Dissipative Dynami cal Systems 328
5.3 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dyna mi cal Syst ems 340
5.4 Extended Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov Conditions for
Nonlinear Dynamical Sys tems 346
5.5 Linearizati on of Di s sipative Dynamical Systems 358
5.6 Positive R eal and Bounded Real Dynamical Systems 361
5.7 Absolute Stability Theory 372
5.8 The Positivity T h eorem and the Circle Criterion 375
5.9 The Popov Criterion 381
5.10 Problems 388
5.11 Notes and R eferences 408
Chapter 6. S tability and Optimality of Feedback Dynamical
Systems 411
6.1 Introduction 411
6.2 Feedback Interconnections of Dissipa tive Dynamical Syst ems 411
6.3 Energy-Based Feedback Control 420
6.4 Stability Margins for Nonlinear Feedback Regulators 434
6.5 Control Lyapunov Functions 438
6.6 Optimal Control and the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation 442
6.7 Feedback Linearizati on, Zero Dynamics, and Minimum-
Phase Systems 447
6.8 Problems 457
6.9 Notes and References 469