If the derivatives are represented as a finite difference: then
the unknown value appears. To overcome this difficulty, the
count interval is extended by introducing a subsidiary point The
condition (9.17) may be written in the form
(the lower indices denote the values One finds from this
i.e., the values are expressed in terms of the as-yet unknown values and
and the known (from the preceding step) value One more relation between
is provided by the recurrence formula (9.41)
The subsidiary value is easily excluded from (9.40) and (9.41), and the value
may be determined. After that, the sweep procedure of (9.27) to (9.35) is applied
to find the remaining values
To guarantee the equivalence of both left and right halves of the calculation
interval, the left and right runs were alternated and the solution’s symmetry was
maintained at every step.
To secure the convergence of solutions and to attain a stable oscillation regime,
the calculations were carried out using mainly the space step about
and the time step about The oscillation periods were found
to the accuracy of three meaningful numbers. The phase increase for one oscillation
period with the same accuracy was found to be (relative to one PSC). Several
hundred oscillations were sometimes performed before reaching the stable oscilla-
tion regime, thus making evident the presence of long-lived and weakly damping
oscillation modes in the system.
A numerical analysis shows that if the values of the transport current j along
the filament are small enough, then there exist only static solutions of Eq. (9.12)
with When j is increased, the solutions start to depend on time, the
electric field and normal current appear in a superconducting
filament. All the parameters describing the superconductor
begin to oscillate in the vicinity of certain active points (PSC). After a sufficiently
long time, these oscillations reach a stable regime, and only such stable oscillations
are considered in the following section. To elucidate the characteristic features of