Time-Dependent Ginzburg–Landau
The external fields acting on a superconductor may lead to nonstationary phenom-
ena that have to be described by dynamic equations. However, as was shown in the
previous chapters, the set of nonstationary equations in the general case is very
complicated and in addition to the equations for the main parameters characterizing
superconductivity (such as it includes generalized kinetic equations for
distribution functions (see Sect. 3.3). In the vicinity of the critical temperature (in
analogy with the stationary case, Sect. 1.3), one can simplify the general time-de-
pendent Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) equations by considering the gapless case (Sect.
2.2). For finite-gap superconductors, the attempt to simplify the general scheme
encounters serious difficulties connected with the nonlocal kernels of the integral
equations governing the order parameter. To derive the equations for such super-
conductors, one needs to account simultaneously for the condensate, the excita-
tions, and the interaction between them. The success achieved in this direction
is due to progress in the kinetic description of single-particle excitations in non-
equilibrium superconductors (see the review articles in Refs. 7–10). The dynamic
equations for the order parameter were obtained in their most complete form by
Watts-Tobin et al.
But in some respects the theory still had some deficiencies,
which we have tried to correct.
In many situations, the possible deviation of the phonon system from equilib-
rium should be taken into account. The role of phonons in the problem considered
is twofold. First, the nonequilibrium in the phonon system may be essential for the
dynamics of the order parameter. Second, the time variations of the order parameter
modulus might lead to excess phonon generation and to phonon exchange between
a superconductor and its environment.