6.3.3. Recombination Peak
As to the peak in the spectral curve (see Fig. 6.2a) at frequencies
its origin is determined by the recombination of quasi-particles,
shifted by an external field far from the gap edge on the energy distance with
the quasi-particles remaining at the edge. This is quite obvious in our examination.
Indeed, as was noted in Sect. 5.1, single-quantum transitions are characteristic of
this situation. Consequently, excess quasi-particles are created primarily at energies
As we see from Eq. (6.3), the contribution to the quasi-particle distri-
bution function is singular at such energies. However, since our study is restricted
by a linear (in intensity of the external field) approximation, it follows from (6.4)
that the main role is played by the recombination of nonequilibrium quasi-particles
(at energies with equilibrium quasi-particles (at energy level near
the gap edge, where the density of electron states is high. As a result of this
recombination process, the phonons with energy are produced.
6.3.4. Exclusion of Divergence
Concluding this section, we discuss the logarithmic divergence of the relaxa-
tion flux at frequencies (see Figs. 6.1 b and 6.2a). This formal divergence
is connected to the singularity in the density of electron levels, which is charac-
teristic for superconductors in the absence of external fields, and appears in the
approximations used. This logarithmic divergence vanishes if one accounts for the
smearing influence of the electromagnetic field on the electron BCS density of
states. Other methods for exclusion of such divergencies also exist [e.g., one can
bound Eq. (6.3) using the Pauli principle]. They do not, however, influence the
results in any significant way.
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