13.1. Звички в минулому
Used to + verb
1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.
I don’t know what to do with my son, Nick. He used to read a lot
but he doesn’t even look at a book any more.
I feel that reading is extremely important and I am very disap-
pointed that he doesn’t feel the same way. I am also surprised by his
attitude. After all, when he was a small child, I used to read to him
every day. Nick used to love those stories and, when he learned to
read on his own, he used to stay up late every night finishing the
books I bought him.
But as Nick got older he began to read less and less. Now he rarely
goes near a book, except for his school books. When we, his parents,
complain about this, he says that he doesn’t need books any more, since
the computer gives him all the information he needs. Of course I know
that things are different nowadays from what they used to be. We
didn’t use to have computers, cable TV and video recorders. But some-
how I feel that Nick is missing out on something. What do you think?
2. Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. What did Nick do in the past that he doesn’t any more?
2. What did Nick’s parents use to do when he was a small child?
3. What did Nick do when he learned to read?
4. Why doesn’t Nick read nowadays?
5. What didn’t Nick’s parents have in the past?
Правильна відповідь — 1 бал
Разом балів (з 5) ________
Словосполучення used to + Verb використовують тоді, коли
потрібно описати події або ситуації, що відбувалися регулярно в
минулому, а тепер не відбуваються.
Словосполучення didn’t use to Verb, навпаки, використовують
тоді, коли раніше чогось не відбувалось, а тепер відбувається.