24 Introduction to particle dynamics
and the right-hand side is equal to the total differential of a function of position. Let us take
dW =−dV =−
dx −
dy −
dz (1.138)
where the minus sign is chosen for convenience and the potential energy function is
V (x, y, z). Then, since dr is arbitrary, we can equate coefficients to obtain
, F
, F
or, using vector notation,
F =−∇V (1.140)
that is, the force is equal to the negative gradient of V (x, y, z).
In accordance with the principle of work and kinetic energy, the increase in kinetic energy
dT = dW =−dV (1.141)
so we find that
T +
V = 0 (1.142)
or, after integration with respect to time,
T + V = E (1.143)
where the total energy E is a constant. This is the principle of conservation of energy applied
to a rather simple system.
This principle can easily be extended to apply to a system of N particles whose positions
are given by the 3N Cartesian coordinates x
, x
. In this case, the kinetic energy
T is the sum of the individual kinetic energies, and the overall potential energy V (x)isa
function of the particle positions. The force in the positive x
direction obtained from V is
The system will be conservative, that is, the total energy T + V will be constant if it
meets the following conditions: (1) the potential energy V (x ) is a function of position only
and not an explicit function of time; and (2) all forces which do work on the system in
the actual motion are obtained from the potential energy in accordance with (1.144); any
constraint forces do no work. Later the concept of a conservative system will be extended
and generalized.
It sometimes occurs that the forces doing work on a system are all obtained from a
potential energy function of the more general form V (x, t ) by using (1.144) or (1.140).
In this case, the forces are termed monogenic, that is, derivable from a potential energy
function, whether conservative or not.