423 Index
Frobenius’ theorem, 300
Fufaev, N. A., 278, 323
fundamental dynamical equation, 247, 248
momentum form, 248
general dynamical equation, 236, 238
momentum form, 238
generalized coordinate, 35
generalized force, 43, 44, 48, 181
generalized impulse, 61, 118, 120
generalized mass, 47, 48, 61, 91, 194
generalized momentum, 51, 61, 84, 91
Gibbs–Appell equation, 254, 256
Gibbs–Appell function, 254, 256
Ginsberg, J. H., 65, 130, 205
gradient, 184
Greenwood, D. T., 65, 130, 205, 278, 323
gyroscopic coefficient, 102
gyroscopic force, 103
gyroscopic system, 102
Hamel coefficient, 227, 229
Hamiltonian function, 85–7
scleronomic system, 86
Hamilton’s equations
canonical form, 86
nonholonomic form, 87
Hamilton’s principle, 291, 294, 322
Hamming, R. W., 396
herpolhode, 185
Heun’s method, 341
holonomic constraint, 35, 36, 110, 111
holonomic system, 36
homogenous function, 263
ideal constraint, 43
ignorable coordinate, 97
elastic, 57
inelastic, 57
implicit integration, 340, 345, 348
angular, 54
constraint, 60, 120, 127
friction, 57
generalized, 61, 118, 120
linear, 53
impulse response, 53, 118, 194, 198
constrained, 120, 190, 193
coupled systems, 199
planar motion, 188–90
reciprocity of, 200
inelastic impact, 57
inertia (mass) coefficient, 47, 48, 61, 91, 194
inertial reference frame, 1, 2
infinitesimal rotation, 155
input mass, 198, 199
instantaneous axis of rotation, 157
instantaneous center, 10, 157
instantaneous constraint, 41, 73, 112, 190,
integrability, 39, 40
integral of motion, 92, 94, 97, 329, 389
integrating factor, 39, 40
integrator, 357, 358
interpolating polynomial, 330, 331
invariable plane, 184
iteration, 340
Jourdain’s principle, 116
Kane, T. R., 205, 236, 278
Kane’s equation, 236
Kelvin’s theorem, 205
kinetic energy
constrained, 247, 254, 316
coupling, 52
of relative motion, 22, 52, 126
rigid body, 162–4, 168
system of particles, 21, 22, 46–8, 91
Koenig’s theorem, 22
Lagrange interpolation formula, 330
Lagrange multiplier, 79, 293
impulsive, 120, 191
Lagrange’s equation
derivation, 76–8
fundamental holonomic form, 77
fundamental nonholonomic form, 79
standard holonomic form, 78
standard nonholonomic form, 79, 80
Lagrange’s principle, 77
Lagrangian function, 78
lamina, 9
Lanczos, C., 323
Laplace transform, 358
law of action and reaction, 2
law of motion, 1, 16, 53, 73
Levinson, D. A., 205, 278
linear damper, 30, 31
linear impulse, 53
linear momentum, 2, 16, 53
Maggi’s equation, 220
mass (inertia) coefficient, 47, 48, 61, 91, 194
mass matrix, 91
mean value theorem, 333
midpoint method, 348
modified Euler equations, 171, 172
modified Euler integration, 341