British controls on, 107, 120, 121–2
British losses, 104
British manpower for, 265
British vulnerability, 102
crisis, 120– 32, 150, 265–9
effect on Somme Battle, 105, 106, 108
foreign and neutral tonnnage, 108, 115 ,
116, 274, 275
Franco-British agreements
(1916), 112–13;
(1917), 124 –6, 126–7
freight charges, 105, 109
French controls on, 105 –6, 107–8, 125
French imports, 105
French resentment, 103 , 105, 122, 130
French vulnerability, 102–3
losses to submarines, 115– 16, 120,
121–2 , 267
Ministry of (British), 120, 274
pooling tonnage, 124, 126, 130
prewar British, 104
requisitioning, 120
shipbuilding, 104, 120, 267
tonnage for French coal, 108
Tonnage Priority Committee, 120
troop transports, 268, 270
US agreements, 127
US shipbuilding, 123
US troop transport, 128
Shipping Control Committee, 111
Shipping Controller (see Maclay)
Sm uts , Gen e ral J . C ., 15 0, 168, 172, 22 5 , 227
artillery, 60
casualties, 63, 69, 70
date of, 47–9 , 55
effects of Verdun, 46– 7, 55
effects on shipping, 105, 106, 108
Foch at, 52, 70
France’s reduced contribution to, 47, 52 –4
Haig’s Despatch, 70, 72
judgements on, 43, 69–71, 73, 74
liaison, 89–99
objectives, 51–5, 64
operations, 64–9
planning, 43–5, 48, 56–60
politicians and, 50–1 , 63, 72, 134, 137
role in relationship, 42
rows between Haig and Joffre, 48, 64, 68 –9
tactics, 60–1 , 62–3
tanks, 65, 66
Soutou, G.-H., 125, 293
Spears, General E. L., 10, 73, 76, 90, 99,
157, 159, 260, 291 , 292
during Somme Battle, 93, 95
on liaison, 100
political mission (1917–18), 152 , 160–1 ,
175, 195, 202 , 231
spring offensives (see under Germany)
Stanley, Sir A., 126
steel, 106
strikes, 152, 266
submarines, German
restricted warfare, 112
unrestricted warfare, 104, 119–20, 130,
181, 265, 265 –8, 277
Supreme War Council, 40, 130, 261–2 ,
264, 270, 271 , 278
and generalissimo, 221–2
aviation, 180
committees, 180– 1
creation of, 172 –8
Executive War B oard, 18 1–2, 183, 18 4, 186
general reserve, 178, 181–3, 186, 191,
192, 195
naval liaison, 180
PMRs, 172–4 , 178–80, 221–3, 267, 271
raw materials, control of, 276–7
transportation, 241
used to oust Robertson, 177
workings of, 178 –80
tanks, 65, 66, 149, 180, 220, 246
Thomas, A., 66, 103, 111, 140, 163 –9
Tonnage Priority Committee, 120
transport (see logistics)
Transportation Committee, Interallied, 241
Transportation Council, Inter-allied
(SWC), 180 , 241
Travers, T., 254
United States of America, 3
AEF, 267, 268 , 270, 275
and unity of command, 200
associated power, 172
coordinating supply for, 232–9 , 275
enters the war, 123
shipbuilding, 267
shipping agreements, 127
troop transports, 128, 277
unity of command (see under command
US Emergency Fleet Corporation, 123
US War Mission (1917), 128
Vache´, J., 79, 80
Vallie`res, General P. des, 89, 90–3, 101,
138, 155, 157–9, 292
during Somme Battle, 50, 66, 68, 71, 95,
96, 97–9, 133, 158