Chemin des Dames, 139, 151 , 212 , 213– 14,
216 , 227, 235, 263
Churchill, W. S., 19, 20, 23, 63, 189, 199,
253 , 272
Clark, Major P., 212, 296
Clarke, General Sir T. E., 234, 236, 246
Claveille, A., 241, 243
Clemenceau, G., 50, 109, 197, 221, 227,
241 , 244, 259, 270–1, 288
adjudicates between Haig and Foch,
217 –19, 256, 257, 259
and Foch, 183 , 191, 198–9 , 202, 208,
214 , 218, 222, 231, 260 , 262, 263
and Lloyd George, 202, 225 –6, 269
and manpower, 266, 269, 271 , 272
and Milner, 195
and Pershing, 233
and SWC, 170, 173, 175– 6, 178, 183,
186 , 195
and unity of command, 192, 193, 195
Cle´ mentel, E., 131, 283, 293
and shipping, 105, 122, 124 –7, 128, 129,
265 , 274
Clive, General G. S., 10, 37, 91, 99, 166, 209
and unity of command, 212, 213, 216,
224 , 226, 231, 242, 259
liaison procedures, 78, 84–7 , 89, 92, 94,
95, 157
coal, 114–16, 141, 274
British, shipped to France, 104 , 112,
272 , 276
French Coal Trade (Admiralty), 118
French lack of, 109, 268
coalition warfare, 1 –6, 281
command relations
allied GS, 170–2
at Dardanelles, 26
Beauvais accord (1918), 200, 201, 204,
216 –19
Doullens accord (1918), 192–7, 194
in 1915, 28–9, 36–40
Joffre’s 1915 formula, 29–30
Kitchener’s instructions, 17, 44, 213
lack of formal, 17–19
Milner’s instructions, 219
political aspects, 25–8 , 35–6 , 137
prewar, 26–7
unity of command, 173, 175, 177, 181
Commission Internationale de
Ravitaillement, 110 –11
Committee of Imperial Defence, 11
Allied: Paris (3/1916), 38; Paris, (7/1917),
164 ; Rapallo (11/1917), 172; Paris
(11/1917), 128–9, 177
Franco-British: Calais (7/1915), 9, 28, 36;
Paris (11/1915), 38; Calais (2/1917),
139, 154; London (3/1917), 139, 144;
Paris (5/1917), 150–1 , 163 ; Boulogne
(9/1917), 165– 7
military: Chantilly (11/1915), 39, 44–5;
Chantilly (11/1916), 71
naval: London (1/1917), 118 ; Paris
(5/1917), 123;
Congreve, General W., 56, 64, 65, 97
conscription, 8 , 45, 266
convoy, 116–19, 130 , 267
Corvisart, General C. P. R. V., 270
counter-offensives, allied (1918), 246 , 292
(see also Amiens; Foch,
Cowans, General J., 234
Currie, General A., 249
Curzon, Lord, 202
Daily Express, 72, 135, 135
Dardanelles, 25–6 , 29, 36, 63
Dardanelles Commission, 163
Davidson, General J. (‘Tavish’), 92, 95,
155, 229
Dawes, C., 232, 233 –4, 235, 236, 238, 238,
239, 244, 293
Debeney, General E., 152, 166 , 251, 254
Delcasse´ , T., 14
Derby, Lord,
Ambassador, 10, 220, 229, 256, 257,
258, 259, 260, 271 , 289
Secretary of State, 142 , 143, 156, 195
Devonport, Lord, 120
Dieppe, 34
Dillon, Colonel E.
in 1916, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101, 292
in 1918, 198, 217
Direction de l’Arrie`re, 230
Doullens (see under command relations)
Doumayrou, Captain L. P. R., 39, 77
DuCane, General J. P., 10, 203, 208, 216,
218, 219, 230, 247, 248, 251, 256,
257, 259, 260, 263, 292, 295
Dunkirk, 33–5, 87–8, 205, 207, 208, 209,
216, 244–5
Edmonds, Sir J. E., 84, 206, 208, 250, 251,
254, 255, 259, 290
Entente cordiale, 6, 12–13
Esher, Viscount, 23, 34, 292
and Franco-British relations, 25, 27–8,
29, 72
and liaison, 77, 88, 92, 96, 100
and SWC, 175