total neglect in France with the honourable exception of Duroselle (writing
in English). The French journal Guerres Mondiales et Conflits Contemporains
produced a special dossier in 1995, ‘L’alliance franco-britannique pendant la
Grande Guerre’, with three articles by David Dutton, Martin Horn and William
J. Philpott – all derived from their Ph.D. theses. Although published by a French
journal and translated into French, it is significant that no French author is
included. As for works in English, Wallach’s reliance on published memoirs
makes his treatment too superficial; and Philpott’s over-reliance on British
sources and over-concentration on the first two years of the war when Sir John
French was British commander-in-chief make for some curious conclusions.
Neilson and Prete’s edited collection has no essay on the Franco-British
experience. One needs to go back as far as Maurice who was writing during the
Second World War with the express intention of drawing out some lessons for
future conduct to get anything approaching the breadth of analysis that Neilson
gives, for example, in his study of the Anglo-Russian alliance.
Becker, Jean-Jacques, The Great War and the French People (New York: St Martin’s
Press, 1986)
Bourne, J. M., Britain and the Great War 1914–1918 (London: Arnold, 1989)
Chickering, Roger, and Stig Fo¨ rster, Great War, Total War: Combat and
Mobilization on the Western Front, 1914–1918 (Washington, DC: German
Historical Institute / Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000)
Clayton, Anthony, Paths of Glory: The French Army 1914–18 (London: Cassell, 2003)
Doughty, Robert A., Pyrrhic Victory: French Strategy and Operations in the Great
War (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005)
Duroselle, Jean-Baptiste, ‘Strategic and Economic Relations During the First
World War’, in Neville Waites (ed.), Troubled Neighbours: Franco-British
Relations in the Twentieth Century (London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson,
1971), 40–66
‘Entente and Me´sentente’, in Douglas Johnson, Franc¸ois Crouzet and Franc¸ois
Be´darida (eds.), Britain and France: Ten Centuries (Folkestone: Dawson,
1980), 274–80
Guerres Mondiales et Conflits Contemporains 180 (October 1995): special issue
devoted to ‘L’alliance franco-britannique pendant la Grande Guerre’
Herwig, Holger H., The First World War: Germany and Austria-Hungary
1914–1918 (London: Arnold, 1997)
Maurice, Frederick, Lessons of Allied Co-operation: Naval, Military and Air,
1914–1918 (London: Oxford University Press, 1942)
Maurin, Jules, and Jean-Charles Jauffret (eds.), La Grande Guerre 1914–1918: 80
ans d’historiographie et de repre´sentations (Montpellier: UMR 5609 du CNRS –
ESID, 2002)
Neilson, Keith, Strategy and Supply: The Anglo-Russian Alliance, 1914–1917
(London: George Allen & Unwin, 1984)
Neilson, Keith, and Roy A. Prete (eds.), Coalition Warfare: An Uneasy Accord
(Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1983)
Philpott, William J., Anglo-French Relations and Strategy on the Western Front,
1914–18 (London: Macmillan / New York: St Martin’s Press, 1996)
Bibliographical essay 287