An Evaluation of the Difference Formulation 305
free paths thick, or equivalently, provide a 10
reduction in Monte Carlo noise
for a given execution time.
We demonstrated that the three implementations of the difference formu-
lation we developed were in excellent agreement with the SIMC implemen-
tation of standard formulation. Additionally, we showed through a detailed
comparison that while their transient behavior differs for large time steps
there is good numerical evidence that all the treatments of the source con-
verge for sufficiently small time steps.
We found that the fully implicit version of the difference formulation is
stable, and we believe it to be unconditionally so. The fully explicit version,
although free of any matrix solve, is only conditionally stable. Moreover,
it possess a stability region similar to the semi-implicit difference method
which may provide insight into a formal stability analysis. For both con-
ditionally stable versions of the difference formulation, stability appears to
depend strongly upon the optical thickness of the zones dividing the material.
Finally, we believe that it is the explicit treatment of the −cµ ∂B/∂x term
that drives the instability in the explicit difference method.
As a final note, the explicit treatment of the source terms in the standard
formulation is stable in the limit of optically thin systems, while the explicit
source term treatment of the difference formulation is stable in the limit of
optically thick systems. This leaves open the possibility that the non-linear
matrix solve might be avoided when applying the difference formulation to
practical problems involving thick media.
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