Accurate and Efficient Radiation Transport in Optically Thick Media 269
the steady state temperature is independent of time step, reflecting implicit
behavior of the time integration, can also be checked. When the spectrum
of the radiation field is examined, even for a grey opacity, the correctness of
the frequency sampling algorithm can be checked. Agreement between the
standard and difference formulation is non-trivial due to the different nature
of the source terms.
In the presentation of our computational results below, we provide a clear
demonstration of rigorous agreement between the two formulations for trans-
port, in terms of their approach to steady state, along with a measure of
increase in computational efficiency for the difference formulation. The mag-
nitude of this increase in computational efficiency, in the form of greatly re-
duced Monte Carlo noise as the optical thickness of the problem is increased,
is somewhat surprising even to the authors who were prospecting for it.
In the first set of simulations we considered a finite slab heated from the
left side, with an open boundary on the right, allowing the radiation flowing
through the slab to enter free space. The slab was composed of a uniform,
static material having a frequency-independent (gray) opacity. We calculated
the time dependence of the temperature and of the radiation field after a 1
keV black-body source on the left side of the slab is turned on at time t =0.
(1keV≈ 1.2 10
7 ◦
During the time dependent execution of the problem, a thermal wave,
also known as Marshak wave, sweeps the problem domain and the solution
then approaches steady state. We compared the solutions provided by the two
formulations and their relative noise, for identical problem run times, in order
to obtain a measure of the accuracy and relative computational efficiency of
the two formulations for transport, under conditions that the Monte Carlo
portion of the code dominates execution time.
Four instances of this problem are presented below. The slab is composed
of a uniform material having a frequency independent (gray) opacity of 0.1, 1,
10, and 100 mean free paths per cm respectively. The slab is 10 cm thick so the
four opacities correspond to total optical depths of 1, 10, 100 and 1000 mean
free paths. The specific heat of the material is a constant 0.1 jerk/(keV cm
where jerk is an energy unit (1 jerk = 10
ergs), and temperature is measured
in energy units of kT = 1 keV. The slab is initially at a temperature of
0.01 keV, with the radiation field being a Planckian in equilibrium with this
temperature. All four problems used a time step of 0.2 sh, where 1 sh =
sec. The problem 1 mean free path thick was run to 20 sh in order to
get close to steady state, as was the problem 10 mean free paths thick. The
problem 100 mean free paths thick was run to 40 sh in order to approach
steady state. The problem 1000 mean free paths heated up very slowly due
to the diffusive nature of the solution, requiring 320 sh in order to suitably
approach steady state. The problems 1 and 10 mean free paths thick employed
20 zones, while the thicker problems employed zones one mean free path thick
in order to prevent teleportation error from influencing the results, and to