It is easy to get the wrong impression about Canada. A new country.
Perhaps compared to some in Asia and Europe. But it was first “discov-
ered” more than 1,000 years ago, and then again about 500 years ago,
and was gradually colonized and settled by outsiders for four centuries.
However, before that, there were the native peoples, some of whom
remain. Empty. True, the present population is small for such a big
place, but many are concentrated in large, modern cities and most are
urbanized. A rather simple, homogeneous entity. Hardly, for the popu-
lation, despite any melting-pot effect, is rather heterogeneous and the
provinces maintain considerable autonomy, some actually demanding
more and one still hankering for independence. A geographical append-
age of its powerful southern neighbor, the United States. Despite very
close economic and other links, Canadians usually go their own way
and have created a strikingly different society.
Canada is a very complex, and intriguing, nation that certainly
deserves to be better known by foreigners and probably Canadians
as well. That is the purpose of this second edition of the Historical
Dictionary of Canada. It presents the country, traces its history, takes
a good look at the current situation, and offers some insight into the
future. It does so through concise and informative entries on significant
persons, places, events, institutions, and ethnic groupings. Other entries
deal with important political, economic, social, and cultural aspects.
The broader context is provided by an insightful introduction, and the
centuries-long history is traced in the chronology. Admittedly, this
book can only go so far. But it is a particularly good starting point be-
cause of a comprehensive and intelligently structured bibliography that
can easily direct readers toward whatever subject might interest them.
To write such a book, it is obviously necessary to know Canada well.
That first requirement is amply met by the author, Barry M. Gough,
Editor’s Foreword
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