consistent for that physician. We use a 0 to 4⫹ scale to describe the
size of each pad. Gentle retropulsion of the globe often makes the fat
pads more obvious. If there is significant herniated fat, a transcon-
junctival approach to excision is recommended. The examiner should
also palpate and consider the position of the globe relative to the in-
ferior orbital rim and the shape of the maxillary and zygomatic bones
inferior to the fat pads. Close inspection of the conjunctival fornix
should exclude active cicatricial disease.
The lower eyelid is an extension of the mid-face and is evaluated
as such. Nasojugal grooves, festoons, descent of the malar fat pads,
and mid-facial skin laxity are all assessed. A handheld mirror is used
to allow the patient to point out bothersome features. The lower eye-
lids are inspected with the patient’s mouth open as well to check for
possible retraction. External photography should include full face,
oblique, and side views to show the extent of the fat herniation.
Transconjunctival Lower Blepharoplasty
Local anesthesia containing epinephrine is injected into the con-
junctival fornix. If a retrobulbar anesthetic is used, it should not con-
tain epinephrine, as prolonged diplopia may result. Some surgeons
elect to forego a retrobulbar block and just infiltrate the anterior por-
tions of the herniated fat pads. Either technique is acceptable.
A Desmarres retractor is used to pull the eyelid away from the
globe, and a transconjunctival incision is made in the fornix, approxi-
mately 12 mm below the lid margin (Fig. 7-1). This incision can be
made with a variety of instruments, such as a needle tip monopolar
unit, radiofrequency unit, CO
laser, high-temperature cautery, or a
blade. The blade technique is effective but offers the poorest hemosta-
sis and is therefore not recommended. The retractor is always held in
a position to protect the eyelid from the incising device. The septum is
then incised, and herniated orbital fat becomes visible. Gentle pressure
on the globe helps define and prolapse the fat into the wound once the
septum is incised. Care is taken to avoid damaging the inferior oblique
muscle, which originates from the medial aspect of the inferior orbital
rim and is often visible between the medial and middle fat pads.
The fat is excised using the “clamp–cut–cautery” technique, which
involves clamping the fat pad with a hemostat, cutting the fat above the
hemostat with Westcott scissors, and cauterizing the base (Fig. 7-2).
72 Lower Blepharoplasty