The temporal incision is designed so the mid-face can be elevated
along the vector from the angle of the mouth through the angle of the
canthus. The temporal incision is designed to lay over the deep tem-
poral fascia, so the fascia can be accessed for fixation of the flap (Fig.
Initially, under direct elevation by lifting the flap with an angled
retractor and then under endoscopic visualization after the plane has
been started, dissection is carried out between the shiny, gray, deep
temporal fascia and the overlying gauzy superficial temporoparietal
fascia. The facial nerve lies in the superficial temporoparietal fascia,
so care must be taken to maintain an accurate plane on the deep fas-
cia, thereby avoiding injury to the facial nerve (Fig. 5-2).
On the medial edge of the deep temporal fascia, the frontal pe-
riosteum and deep temporalis fascia join together along the tempo-
ral line; this area is referred to as the conjoined tendon. The con-
joined tendon is dissected sharply, providing visualization of the
frontal bone in the subperiosteal plane on the medial edge of the deep
temporal fascia. The conjoined fascia is followed along the temporal
line to the junction of the zygoma, at the same time dissecting the
subperiosteal plane over the frontal bone medially and the deep plane
between the superficial fascia and the deep temporalis fascia later-
ally. As the superior orbital rim is approached, the deep temporalis
fascia splits into two layers, separated by the intermediate temporal
(Yasergil’s) fat pad. Once Yasergil’s fat pad is identified, the appro-
priate plane of dissection is on its surface, which is the undersurface
of the superficial layer of the deep temporal fascia. This plane is fol-
lowed down to the takeoff of the zygomatic arch, which can be pal-
pated with the dissector before it is actually visualized.
Typically, a large vein emerges from Yasargil’s fat pad approxi-
mately 2 cm lateral to the orbital rim and at about the level of the
superior orbital rim; this sentinel vein should be sought and pre-
sumptively cauterized with bipolar cautery. The dissection is contin-
ued subperiosteally over the zygoma along the lateral orbital rim. The
arcus marginalis is recognized as a tight attachment at the orbital
rim itself, which can be identified by the slope of the zygoma as it
curves into the orbit. As the subperiosteal plane is taken down to-
ward the inferior orbital rim and over the wider portion of the zy-
goma adjacent to the arch takeoff, the surgeon typically encounters
the temporozygomatic neurovascular bundle; if possible, this is left
hanging across the dissection plane, although sometimes it is impos-
sible to avoid cutting this branch. Symptomatic numbness is almost
never produced, however, even if this nerve is cut.
58 Mid-face Lift