Postoperative care
in direct eyebrow lift, 42
in endoscopic foreheadplasty, 35
in laser skin resurfacing, 84
in rhytidectomy, 54
in soft tissue augmentation,
in upper blepharoplasty, 70
Preaponeurotic fat, 5–6
Procerus muscle
effect of, on eyebrow contour, 2
origin and function of, 26
brow, factors contributing to, 25
forehead, 26
involutional, from dehiscence of the
levator aponeurosis, 7
mid-face, from age-related changes of
the superficial musculoaponeurotic
system, 16
risk of, in Botox treatment, 90
and conformation of the eyelid crease, 4
and margin-crease distance, 64
Remodeling of the facial bones with
aging, 14
Repositioning, vertical, for mid-face lift,
Restylane Fine Lines (hyaluronic acid
preparation), 99
Retroauricular incision, in rhytidectomy,
Retrobulbar hemorrhage, as a
complication of lower eyelid skin
excision, 76–77
Retroorbicularis oculi fat (ROOF), 50
relationship with the eyebrow, 2
Rhytidectomy, 14, 43–54
facial, static and dynamic, 86
transverse forehead, dosages for
treating with Botox, 88–90
Safety, laser goggles for personnel in
laser skin resurfacing, 82
Sensory innervation, to the face via the
trigeminal nerve, 18
Side effects, of hyaluronic acid products for
soft tissue augmentation, 99
excision of, lower eyelid, 76–77
eyelid, 4–5
laser resurfacing of, 79–84
mid-face and lower face, 14
Smoke evacuator, for use in laser skin
resurfacing, 82
Smoking, flap necrosis secondary to
vasoconstriction due to, 44
Soft tissue
attachments supporting the superficial
musculoaponeurotic system, 15–16
augmentation of, 95–102
Sphenoid, as a lateral orbital wall
component, 13–14
Staples, cardinal, in superficial
musculoaponeurotic system
imbrication, 52
Steatoblepharon, in aging, 9–10
Strabismus, treatment with Botox, 85
Stroke, from accidental embolization of
the ophthalmic artery, 18
Subcutaneous tissues of the mid-face and
lower face, 14
Subincision, for nasolabial and
melolabial folds, 100
Submental fat, removal of, incision
placement for, 46
Submental liposuction, marking an
incision for, 47–48
Suborbicularis oculi fat (SOOF), 17
plane of, for vertical repositioning in
mid-face lift, 55–57
Subperiosteal plane, for vertical
repositioning in mid-face lift, 55–57
Superficial musculoaponeurotic system
anatomy of, 14–16
investment of the zygomaticus major
and minor, and the levator labii
superioris in, 16
management of, in rhytidectomy, 46–54
modification of, goals, 49–50
Superficial temporoparietal fascia
(SMAS), suturing through, in mid-
face lift, 61
Supraorbital nerve, innervation of the
forehead by, 12
108 Index