362 10.4 Design of wind pump systems
. (10.34)
As for radial centrifugal pumps, the value of the pressure number only shows
slight variation (
= 0.9 to 1.1), the entire wind pump system is determined by
the two equations (10.33) and (10.34). Fig. 10-26 shows the result of such a sys-
tem design, which gave an optimum transmission ratio i
= 1:3.8. The additional
curves for the other transmission ratios i = 1:2 and 1:6 illustrate the consequences
of deviating from the optimum transmission gear ratio found. More details on the
design of wind pump systems with centrifugal pumps, also for the case with free
choice of the pump parameters, for designing a particular pump, are found in [3].
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