4 The wind
Fig. 4-21 (b) shows for the site of the Tauern wind farm a measured wind speed
frequency distribution and the fitted curves for both, the Weibull and the Rayleigh
distribution function. The differences between the measurement results and the
analytic description are strong.
If the analytic approximations by the distribution functions are used for the
yield calculation the following criteria should be considered:
- The calculated wind energy of the analytic and measured frequency distri-
bution should be approximately equal.
- For wind speed classes higher than the measured mean wind speed the
frequencies should be identical.
- The sum of the frequencies should be used as checksum and always be
1.00, else the relative frequencies have to be weighted with the used wind
speed class width (e.g. 0.5 m/s).
Moreover, the analytic description should represent correctly the classes which
contain the maximum energy. The determination of the Weibull factors for a given
measured frequency distribution is done e.g. by least square fitting, eventually it is
beforehand necessary to take twice the logarithm [7, 34].
Note: If the measured frequency distribution, Fig.s 4-18 and 4-21, (discrete rep-
resentation) is transformed into a distribution function h(v) (continuous represen-
tation) or vice versa, it has to be considered that h
= h(v) dv § h(v
) 'v
, since the
distribution function has the dimension 1/(m/s). A different wind speed class
causes other relative frequency values h
, which is obvious: the larger
the class width of the distribution function the more events are found within this
class, h
= t
The Weibull distribution function with its two factors is quite useful to describe
the histograms. But even if measuring the wind at a site for several years, extreme
events like the 50-year wind speed are perhaps not recorded because they did not
occur. So they have to be represented separately, cf. chapter 9.
Moreover, the analytic distribution functions are not very suitable to represent the
range of calms, since the functions always start with the value h (v = 0 m/s) = 0.
Frequencies of less than 1%, i.e. 10-min average values with less than 525 events
per year, may not be estimated with a Weibull distribution. Therefore, if the calms
statistics are required, e.g. for wind pumping and stand-alone systems, they are
recorded separately.