4.2 Atmospheric boundary layer
As mentioned, the above equations (4.1) to (4.4) are only valid for a neutrally
stable atmosphere, an idealized absolutely flat surface with a uniform roughness
length. A different temperature profile causes changes in the vertical heat and
mass transfer which create differences in the turbulence, the wind profile and
therefore the wind speed gradient.
The extended description of the vertical wind profile adds to the logarithmic wind
profile a correction term which considers the atmospheric stratification due to the
vertical temperature profile:
. (4.5)
The empirical stability function
takes into account the influence of the thermal
stratification; it is positive for an unstable and negative for a stable atmosphere,
and surely zero for a neutrally stable atmosphere.
The so-called Monin-Obukhov stability length L (its dimension is meter) is the
parameter which describes the vertical mass exchange due to the ratio of friction
forces and lift forces [31]. From measurements the Monin-Obukhov stability
length can be determined directly or indirectly. A direct measurement is possible
e.g. with an ultrasonic anemometer (cf. section 4.3.2) or by measuring the tem-
perature difference of the air in two heights. For a first estimation, tables on the
Monin-Obukhov stability length in dependence of the roughness length z
and the
atmospheric stability are useful, e.g. in the German Technical Instructions on Air
Quality (TA-Luft, dated 2002) [32].
Fig. 4-10 shows the already mentioned influence of the atmospheric stratifica-
tion on the wind profile. The wind profiles are normalized for the measuring
height of 30 m.
The logarithmic wind profile is valid for the infinitely flat and even terrain. But
in reality, there may be considerable effects of the surface contour (i.e. the topo-
graphy) on the wind profile and also on the wind speeds occurring in the rotor area
of the wind turbine. The possibilities to describe these effects using fluid mechan-
ics approaches are quite limited. Especially for complex and steep terrain as well
as for strong atmospheric stratification the wind profiles obtained by extensive
efforts in numerical simulation are still unsatisfactory.