X.9 On the Asymptotic Structure of Generalized Solutions when v
= 0 721
X.9 On the Asym pt otic St ructure of Generalized
Solutions when v
= 0
The methods we used to investigate the asymptotic structure of a generalized
solution corresponding to v
6= 0, no longer apply when v
= 0. The reason
is ba sically due to the different properties possessed at infinity by solutions
to the Oseen and Stokes problems, respectively. More specifically, what we
cannot do when v
= 0 is to show (under suitable assumptions on the body
force) an analog of Lemma X.6. 1 that would ensure that the velocity field v
belongs to L
) for some q < 6. As a matter of fact, existence of solutions
corresponding to v
= 0 and to data o f arbitrary “size”, in the class L
in a
neighborhood of infinity, with q ∈ (1, 6), is, to date, an open question.
Nevertheless, by using a completely different approach due to Galdi
(1992c), we can stil l draw some interesting conclusion on the asymptotic
structure of generalized solutions corresponding to v
= 0 which, further,
satisfy the energy inequality (X.4.19). (As we know from the existence Theo-
rem X.4.1, this class of solutions is certainly not empty.) Specifically, we shall
show that, provided a certain norm of the data is sufficiently small compared
to R
(namely, to the square of the kinematic v iscosity), every corresponding
generalized solution v satisfying the energy inequality behaves for large |x| as
. Mo reover, employing a simple scaling argument due to
Sver´ak & Tsai
(2000), we can prove that, if f is of bounded support,
the derivatives D
behave like |x|
, while the derivatives, D
p, of the corresponding pres-
sure field p, decay like | x|
. In other words, v, p possess the asymptotic
properties of the fundamental Stokes tensor U , e. The question of whether
such a result continues to hold for large data also remains open.
It must be also emphasized that, as shown by Deuring & Gal di (2000),
even though v behaves, fo r large |x|, like U , it does not admit an asymptotic
expansion where the leading term is of the form m · U , for some (constant)
non-zero vector m. This issue has been taken up by Nazarov & Pileckas (2000)
and, successively, by Korolev &
Sver´ak (2 007, 2011). In particular, the latter
authors have demonstrated that the leading term coincides with a suitable
exact (and sing ular) solution of the full nonlinear probl em obtained by Landau
(1944); see Remark X.9.3.
The proof of the main result is based on a certain number of steps. To
render the presentation simpler, we shall restrict ourselves to the case where
≡ 0 and shall suppose that the body force f can be written in divergence
form, namely, f = ∇·F , with F a second-order tensor field.
For G a vector
or second order tensor field, we recall the notation:
≡ sup
(1 + |x|
Concerning this assumption, see footnote 4.
This latter condition is not, in fact, a restriction, provided we give some regularity
on f ; cf. Exercise III.3.1. See also Lemma VIII.5.1.