498 VIII Steady Generalized Oseen Flow in Exterior Domains
respectively. In fact, this method relies chiefly on a sharp result concerning
the asymptotic behavior of the pressure field associated with a generalized
solution corresponding to a body force that is square-summable in Ω
, for
sufficiently large R; see Section VIII .2.
Unlike the analogous problems for the Stokes and Oseen approximations
analyzed in Section V.3 and Section VII.6, the study of the asymptotic be-
havior of generalized solutions to (VIII.0.7), (VII I.0.2) does not appear to be
feasible by means of the classical method based on volume potential represen-
tations along with asymptotic estimates of the fundamental solution. Actually,
based on heuristic considerations, we are expecting that the velocity field de-
cays li ke |x|
, uniformly fo r large |x|. However, as shown by Farwig, Hishida
& M¨uller (2004, Propositi on 2.1), see also Hishida (2006, Proposition 4.1),
the fundamental tensor solution, G = G(x, y), associated with the equatio ns
(with Ω ≡ R
) does not satisfy a uniform estimate of the type
|G(x, y)| ≤ C|x − y|
, for all x, y ∈ R
with C independent of x, y, at least in the case R = 0, which is, in fact, the
most complicated.
Therefore, we will argue in a different way.
The approach we shall follow to study the asymptotic behavior of gener-
alized solutions and to show the corresponding estimates is treated in Section
VIII.3 through Section VIII.6. It was first introduced by Galdi (200 3) and
then further generalized a nd improved by G aldi & Silvestre (2007a, 2007b).
It develops according to the following steps. In the first step, by means of a
“cut-off” technique that we have already used in previous chapters, we reduce
the original problem to an analogous one in the whole space. At this stage, the
above-mentioned uniqueness property plays a fundamental role, because we
can then identify the generalized solution in the whole space problem with the
original one, for sufficiently large |x|, x ∈ Ω. In the second step, we consider
the time-dependent version of (VIII.0.7) in the whole-space (Cauchy problem)
corresponding to the sam e “body force” and to zero initial data; see (VIII.5.8).
We thus show that at each time t ≥ 0, the velocity field, u = u(x, t), of the
corresponding solution decays at least like |x|
for large |x|, and that it is
uniformly bounded in time by a function that exhibits the same spatial decay
properties as the Stokes or Oseen fundamental tensor, depending on whether
R is zero or not zero, respectively. Therefore, in this sense, u shows a “wake-
like” feature whenever R 6= 0. Successively, thanks to these pointwise, uniform
(in time) estimates, we may thus pass to the limit t → ∞ and show, on the one
hand, that u(x, t) converges, uniforml y pointwise, to the generali zed solutio n
v = v(x) of the steady-state problem, and that on the other hand, v has the
same asymptotic properties and that i t obeys the same estimates as u does.
In the last two sections of the chapter, we will investigate the summability
properties of generalized solutio ns in homogeneous Sob olev spaces, together
with corresponding estimates, when f belongs to the Lebesgue space L
, for
suitable values of q, and v
is i n the appropriate trace space. As we shall see,