296 IV Steady Stokes Flow in Bounded Domains
equations, Vorovich and Youdovich (1961, Theorem 2) showed Cattabriga’s
result for m ≥ 0 and q ≥ 6/5. Finally, we wish to mention the ingenious work
of Krzywcky (1 961), where estimates for the Stokes problem are obtained from
the Weyl decomposition of the space L
Since the appearance of these papers, several works have been published
which, among other things, investigate the possibility of generalizing Cat-
tabriga’s theorem in the following two directions: (i) extension to arbitrary
dimension n ≥ 2; (ii) extension to less regular domains. To the best of o ur
knowledge, the first attempt toward direction (i) is due to Temam (1973,
Chapter I). However Temam’s arguments work only when q ≥ 2 and m ≥ 0,
if n ≥ 3, and for arbitrary m ≥ −1, q ∈ (1, ∞) if n = 2. In particular, the
proof of this latter result is achieved by showing that the Stokes problem
is equivalent to a suitable bi harmonic problem. In this respect, we refer the
reader to the paper of Sim ader (1992), where an interesting analysis between
these two problems is carried out for any n ≥ 2. Another contribution along
direction (i), in the case where m = 2, is due to Giga (1981, Proposition
2.1), who uses a theorem of Geymonat (1965, Theorem 3.5) o n the invariance
of the index o f the operator associated to an elliptic system in the sense of
Douglis-Nirenberg. This method requires, however, Ω of class C
. Ghidaglia
(1984) has extended Cattabriga’s theorem to arbitrary n ≥ 2 when q = 2. In
this respect, it is worth mentioning the contribution of Beir˜ao da Veig a (1998)
where results similar to those of Ghidaglia are proved, but under much less
regularity on Ω. However, the most important feature of this paper is that
the author avoids potential and/or g eneral el liptic equation theories, whil e he
uses, instead, only the elementary estimate kuk
≤ c kfk
for the unique
solution u ∈ W
(Ω) ∩ W
(Ω) of the scalar Poisson equation ∆u = f.
The full generali zation of the results of Cattabriga to arbitrary space di-
mension n ≥ 2, i.e. Theorem IV.6.1, was establi shed for the first time, indepen-
dently, by Kozono & Sohr (1991) and Ga ldi & Simader (1990, Theorem 2.1).
(Actually, the proof given by the f ormer authors requires slightly more regu-
larity on Ω than that stated in Theorem IV.6.1.) Concerning (ii), Amrouche
& Girault (1990, 1991), suitably coupling the work of Grisvard (1985) and
Giga (1981), have proved Theorem IV.6.1 with m ≥ 0, for Ω of class C
and with m = −1, for Ω of class C
. Galdi, Simader, & Sohr (1994) extend
Theorem IV.6.1 with m = −1 to locally Lipschitz dom ains with “not too
sharp” corners, or to arbitrary domains of class C
. If n = 3 and q ∈ [3/2, 3]
their result continues to hold for Ω l ocally Lipschitz only, provided ∂Ω is
connected; see Shen (1995). The Stokes problem in non-smooth domains has
also been addressed by Kellogg & Osborn (1976) for Ω a convex p olygon, and
by Voldˇrich (1984) for arbitrary Ω ⊂ R
, n ≥ 2, but in weighted Sobolev
spaces. Dauge (1989) and Kozlov, Maz’ja and Schwab (1 994) have considered
extensions of the work of Kellogg and Osb orn to three-dimensional domains.
Existence and uniqueness for the Stokes problem in corners and cones
has been studied by Solonnikov (1 982) and Deuring (1994), respectively. A