IV.9 Notes for the Chapter 295
same methods, by Amick (1976); see also Temam (1977, Chapter I, L emma
Section IV.2. The material contained in this section is taken, basically, from
Galdi & Simader (1990). However, the uniqueness part of Theorem IV.2.2 i s
due to me. Simil ar results can be found in C attabriga (1961), Borchers &
Miyakawa (1990, Proposition 3.7 (iii)), and Kozono & Sohr (1991, §2.2).
Existence and uniqueness of solutions in weighted Lebesgue and homoge-
neous Sobolev spaces can be immediately obtained by using, in the proofs
of Theorem IV.2.1 and Theorem IV.2.2, Stein’s Theorem II.11.5 in place of
Calder´on–Zygmund Theorem II.11.4; see Pulidori (1993). For similar results
in the two-dimensional case, we also refer to Dur´an & L´opez Garc´ıa (2010).
Section IV.3. The guiding ideas are taken from the work of Cattabriga (1961,
§§2,3). However, all theorems in this section are due to me. In this respect, I
am grateful to the late Professor Lamberto Cattabriga for the inspiring and
enjoyable conversations I had with him, in the wi nter of 1987, on the existence
part of Theorem IV.3.3.
A weaker version of the estimates contained in Theorem IV.3.2 and The-
orem IV.3.3 is given by Borchers & Miyakawa (1988, Theorem 3.6) and by
Maslennikova & Timoshin (1990, Theorem 1). Results in weighted L
can b e found i n Borchers & Pil eckas (1992).
The special case o f Theorem IV.3.2 corresponding to f ≡ 0, g ≡ 0 and
q = 2 is proved by Tanaka (1995), by the Fourier transform method. More
general (slip) boundary conditions are also considered.
The Green’s tensor for a three-dimensional half-space was determined for
the first time by Lorentz (1896); see also Oseen (1927, §9.7).
Section IV.4. Theorem IV.4.1 (for n = 3) is essentially due to Cattabriga
(1961, §5), while Theorem I V.4.2, Theorem IV.4.4, and Theorem IV.4.5 are
due to me.
A result similar to that proved in Remark IV.4.2 was first shown by
& Tsai (2000, Theorem 2.2). In f act, Remark IV.4.2 is motivated by their work.
Section IV.5. The results contained in this section are a generalization to
n ≥ 2 of those proved by Cattabriga (1961, §5) for n = 3.
An improved version of the results stated in Remark IV.5.1 and Remark
IV.5. 2 can be found in Kang (2004).
Section IV.6. Theorem IV.6 .1 plays a central role in the mathematical theory
of the Navier–Stokes equations. In the case where n = 3 it was shown for
the first time by Cattabriga (1961, Teorema at p.311). The same result of
Cattabriga for m ≥ 0 was announced by Solonni kov (1960) and a full proof,
based on the theory of hydrodynamical potentials, appeared later in 1963 in
the first edition of the book by Ladyzhenskaya (1969) (in this regard, see
also Deuring, von Wahl, & Weidemaier (19 88) and the book of Varnhorn
(1994)). Sobolevski (1960) proved a weaker result in the special case m = 0 a nd
q = 2. In their study on the unique solvability of steady-state Navier–Stokes