1.10 Experiment: Non-optical Implementations 73
control ion is transferred onto the phonon levels (i.e., the vibrational qubit encoded
into the qubus mode) through the R
(π,0) operation
(pulse irradiation) as
(π,0)(αjS,0iCβjD,0i) D iαjD,1iCβjD,0i
DjDi˝(iαj1iCβj0i) , (1.150)
where the phonon number is initially zero and we use the definition of R
Eq. (1.144). Then, the single-ion CNOT operation R
is performed on the target
ion. When the target ion is in the jSi state, the CNOT operation transforms the
state as follows:
(iαjS,1iCβjS,0i) DiαjS,1iβjD,0i , (1.151)
using Eq. (1.148). As a final step, the R
(π, 0) operation is applied to the control
ion again. With this operation, the state of the control ion, whose electronic state is
jDi as in Eq. (1.150), is transformed as follows:
(π,0)(iαjD, S,1iβjD, D,0i) Diα(ijS, S,0i) βjD, D,0i
D(αjS, S iCβjD, Di) ˝j0i ,
with the notation jcontrol, target, phonon numberi. Similarly, we obtain the result
for the case with jDi as the initial target-ion’s state. Overall we h ave the following
input-output relation for the CNOT gate acting on a two-ion state jcontrol, targeti:
jS, Si!jS, Si ,
jS, Di!jS, Di ,
jD, Si!jD, Di ,
jD, Di!jD, Si , (1.153)
corresponding to a CNOT operation for the l ogical states jSiDj0i and jDiDj1i.
Moreover, the result of Eq. (1.152) means that one can create an entangled state of
two ions using this CNOT operation.
Figure 1.14 shows the experimental results of the CNOT gate performed by
Schmidt–Kaler et al. [100]. From the results, one can see that Eq. (1.153) is very
well experimentally verified. Schmidt–Kaler et al. also performed the CNOT ex-
periment for a jS C D, Si input. Figure 1.15 shows the corresponding results. In
this case, only the states jS, S i and jD, Di are observed with a probability of about
0.5. Phase coherence was also verified by applying an additional π/2 pulse on the
jS,0ijD,0i transition followed by a projective measurement [100].
Now, we will turn to a discussion of the experiments for quantum teleportation
between trapped ions performed by Riebe et al. [101].
50) The subscript c denotes the operation on the control ion.