66 1 Introduction to Quantum Information Processing
resolution. In the realistic case, the encoded state would correspond to a three-
mode Gaussian state
producible with two squeezed-state ancillary qumodes
using beam splitters (see Chapters 2 and 5). The infinitely precise measurement
should be more realistically described by a finite syndrome window with projec-
dzjz, z u
ihz, z u
j. So when, for instance, g(u
) D δ(u
the no-error case with e
i f (p )
1, we would obtain
dx ψ(x)jx C
, x, xiD
dx ψ(x)jx, x, xi as the final state.
To summarize, the mechanism for correcting arbitrary single-variable errors is
very similar for qubits and for qumodes. In either case, even when an arbitrary er-
ror diagonal in, for example, X (qubits) and Op (qumodes) may disturb a quantum
state in infinitely many ways, the syndrome detection will map the original error
onto a simpler error from a smaller error set: for qubits, this would be a flip in the
Z basis; for qumodes, a shift in the Ox basis. Although this guarantees that even
non-Clifford-type single-variable errors can be corrected by simple means, it does
not yet allow for the correction of multi-variable errors including two or more non-
commuting variables such as X and Z for qubits, and Ox and Op for qumodes. Such
full QEC codes, however, can be constructed by concatenating a single-variable
code using Hadamard and Fourier gates. The first and certainly most famous full
QEC code is Shor’s nine-qubit code [21]. A qumode version of this code and its
experimental realization will be discussed in Chapter 5.
On the level of arbitrary channel (CPTP) maps, the effect of discretization in a
QEC protocol can be understood by expanding an arbitrary qubit Kraus operator
in the Pauli matrix basis as in Eq. (1.77). Similarly, the WH shift operators serve
as a complete basis for arbitrary qumode CPTP maps, see Eq. (1.78). In either
case, syndrome detections of Pauli and WH errors will then always remove the
offdiagonal terms of the channel output matrix and the remaining terms can be
easily corrected. In the qumode case, the reduced error set is, of course, not really
discrete. It is, nonetheless, smaller and simpler, containing only phase-space shift
Although universal QEC of arbitrary, multi-variable errors occurring on a subset
of the physical qubits or qumodes is possible, a subtlety remains when compar-
ing qubit and qumode QEC. This complication arises for the realistic scenario of
multi-channel errors. Typically, not only a single qubit or qumode will be subject to
an error. Usually, every subsystem will be corrupted, and so a hierarchy of errors
in terms of the frequency of their occurrence or their size will become important.
For instance, as we have seen for qubits, multiple-qubit bit-flip errors may simply
be neglected when their probability scales as p
compared to the single-qubit error
probability p. Similarly, an amplitude damping error may be corrected up to an or-
der O(γ
) in the damping parameter (see Section 1.4.1 and Chapter 2) [5]. Howev-
er, for qumodes, amplitude damping becomes a Gaussian channel (see Chapter 2)
and, as such, it may simply no longer be correctable when the damping occurs
on every encoded qumode in every channel [93]. Nonetheless, whenever a stochas-
tic channel leads to a hierarchy of errors, arbitrary multi-variable, multi-channel
48) When the signal state jψiD
dx ψ(x)jxi is a Gaussian state, which is not a requirement here.