120 2 Introduction to Optical Quantum Information Processing
Linear Optics: Possibilities and Impossibilities
CV Gaussian resources can be unconditionally prepared in the laboratory and
Gaussian operations are deterministic and experimentally efficient. Nonetheless,
there are various, highly advanced tasks in quantum information which would
require a non-Gaussian element:
quantum error detection and correction for qumodes are impossible i n the
Gaussian regime [93, 125–127],
universal quantum computation on qumodes and quantum computational
speed-up through it are impossible in the Gaussian regime [86, 90].
The former of these two important results can be understood by realizing that
Gaussian channels (e.g., the lossy channel described in the preceding sections)
typically lack the stochastic nature of those channels for which the standard quan-
tum error correction codes are designed (recall Section 1.9). Amplitude damping
is an error that will occur in every optical transmission line of an encoded state. In
this case, although for photonic qubits, stabilizer codes help, for photonic qumodes
encoded into Gaussian states, the CV stabilizer codes have no effect.
The latter
result above is related with the Gottesmann–Knill theorem for CV qumode sys-
tems. It fully applies to physical, Gaussian stabilizer states (see Sections 1.8,,
and 3.2.2) and their manipulation through Gaussian operations.
The necessary non-Gaussian element may be provided in form of a DV measure-
ment such as photon counting. There are also a few simpler tasks which can be
performed better with some non-Gaussian element compared to a fully Gaussian
approach, for instance, quantum teleportation [128] or optimal cloning [129, 130]
of coherent states.
Similarly, in the DV regime, (efficient) universal quantum computation on pho-
tonic qubits would depend on some nonlinear element, either directly implement-
ed through nonlinear optics or induced by photon measurements (see next section
and Chapters 7 and 8). In addition, there are even supposedly simpler tasks which
are impossible, using only quadratic interactions (linear transformations) and stan-
dard DV measurements such as photon counting. The prime example for this is
a complete photonic Bell measurement (see Sections 1.5 and 1.6) on two photonic
dual-rail qubits [122, 131].
In contrast, in the CV regime, a photonic Bell measurement onto the CV Bell
stabilizer eigenvalues u DOx
and v DOp
only requires a 50/50 beam
splitter and two homodyne detectors. N ow, recall that any POVM is effectively a von
Neumann, projection measurement in a higher-dimensional Hilbert space (com-
pared to the signal space, see Section 1.4.2). The CV Bell measurement turns out
18) Nonetheless, in Chapter 5, an experiment will be described in which a nine-qumode stabilizer
code was realized; this code can still be useful for protecting a qumode against non-Gaussian
error channels different from the Gaussian amplitude-damping photon-loss channel.