Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
The Future of Computing Performance: Game Over or Next Level?
understood by the designers of microprocessors. Their initial response
was to design multiprocessor (often referred to as multicore) chips, but
fundamental challenges in algorithm and software design limit the wide-
spread use of multicore systems.
Even as multicore hardware systems are tailored to support software
that can exploit multiple computation units, thermal constraints will con-
tinue to be a primary concern. It is estimated that data centers delivering
Internet services consume over 1.5 percent of U.S. electric power. As the
use of the Internet continues to grow and massive computing facilities
are demanding that performance keep doubling, devoting correspond-
ing increases in the nation’s electrical energy capacity to computing may
become too expensive.
We do not have new software approaches that can exploit the innova-
tive architectures, and so sustaining performance growth—and its atten-
dant benefits—presents a major challenge. The present study emerged
from discussions among members of the Computer Science and Telecom-
munications Board and was sponsored by the National Science Foun-
dation. The original statement of task for the Committee on Sustaining
Growth in Computing Performance is as follows:
This study will bring together academic and industry researchers, ap-
plication developers, and members of the user community to explore
emerging challenges to sustaining performance growth and meeting
expectations in computing across the broad spectrum of software, hard-
ware, and architecture. It will identify key problems along with promis-
ing emerging technologies and models and describe how these might fit
together over time to enable continued performance scaling. In addition,
it will focus attention on areas where there are tractable problems whose
solution would have significant payback and at the same time highlight
known solutions to challenges that already have them. The study will
outline a research, development, and educational agenda for meeting the
emerging computing needs of the 21st century.
Parallelism and related approaches in software will increase in impor-
tance as a path to achieving continued performance growth. There have
been promising developments in the use of parallel processing in some
scientific applications, Internet search and retrieval, and the processing of
visual and graphic images. This report reviews that progress and recom-
mends subjects for further research and development. Chapter 1 exam-
ines the need for high-performance computers, and computers that are
increasingly higher-performing, in a variety of sectors of society. The
need may be intuitively obvious to some readers but is included here to
be explicit about the need for continued performance growth. Chapter 2
examines the aspects of “performance” in depth. Often used as short-
hand for speed, performance is actually a much more multidimensional