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The Future of Computing Performance: Game Over or Next Level?
growth in computing performance. (Chapter 4 explores implications for
software and programming in more detail.)
This chapter first considers the general question of why faster
computers are important. It then examines four broad fields—science,
defense and national security, consumer applications, and enterprise
productivity—that have depended on and will continue to depend on
sustained growth in computing performance. The fields discussed by no
means constitute an exhaustive list,
but they are meant to illustrate how
computing performance and its historic exponential growth have had vast
effects on broad sectors of society and what the results of a slowdown in
that growth would be.
Computers can do only four things: they can move data from one
place to another, they can create new data from old data via various
arithmetic and logical operations, they can store data in and retrieve them
from memories, and they can decide what to do next. Students studying
computers or programming for the first time are often struck by the sur-
prising intuition that, notwithstanding compelling appearance to the con-
trary, computers are extremely primitive machines, capable of performing
only the most mind-numbingly banal tasks. The trick is that computers
can perform those simple tasks extremely fast—in periods measured in
billionths of a second—and they perform these tasks reliably and repeat-
ably. Like a drop of water in the Grand Canyon, each operation may be
simple and may in itself not accomplish much, but a lot of them (billions
per second, in the case of computers) can get a lot done.
Over the last 60 years of computing history, computer buyers and
users have essentially “voted with their wallets” by consistently paying
more for faster computers, and computer makers have responded by pric-
Health care is another field in which IT has substantial effects—in, for example, patient
care, research and innovation, and administration. A recent National Research Council
(NRC) report, although it does not focus specifically on computing performance, provides
numerous examples of ways in which computation technology and IT are critical under-
pinnings of virtually every aspect of health care (NRC, 2009, Computational Technology
for Effective Health Care: Immediate Steps and Strategic Directions, Washington, D.C.: The
National Academies Press, available online at http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_
id=12572). Yet another critically important field that increasingly benefits from computa-
tion power is infrastructure. “Smart” infrastructure applications in urban planning, high-
performance buildings, energy, traffic, and so on are of increasing importance. That is also
the underlying theme of two of the articles in the February 2009 issue of Communications of
the ACM (Tom Leighton, 2009, Improving performance on the Internet, Communications of
the ACM 52(2): 44-51; and T.V. Raman, 2009, Toward 2
: Beyond Web 2.0, Communications
of the ACM 52(2): 52-59).