Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
The Future of Computing Performance: Game Over or Next Level?
the rise and dominance of the general-purpose personal computer. The
success of the general-purpose microcomputer, which has been due pri-
marily to economies of scale, has had a devastating effect on the develop-
ment of alternative computer and programming models. The effect can be
seen in high-end machines like supercomputers and in low-end consumer
devices, such as media processors. Even though alternative architectures
and approaches might have been technically superior for the task they
were built for, they could not easily compete in the marketplace and
were readily overtaken by the ever-improving general-purpose proces-
sors available at a relatively low cost. Hence, the personal computer has
been dubbed “the killer micro.”
Over the years, we have seen a series of revolutions in computer
architecture, starting with the main-frame, the minicomputer, and the
work station and leading to the personal computer. Today, we are on
the verge of a new generation of smart phones, which perform many
of the applications that we run on personal computers and take advan-
tage of network-accessible computing platforms (cloud computing) when
needed. With each iteration, the machines have been lower in cost per
performance and capability, and this has broadened the user base. The
economies of scale have meant that as the per-unit cost of the machine has
continued to decrease, the size of the computer industry has kept growing
because more people and companies have bought more computers. Per-
haps even more important, general-purpose single processors—which all
these generations of architectures have taken advantage of—can be pro-
grammed by using the same simple, sequential programming abstraction
at root. As a result, software investment on this model has accumulated
over the years and has led to the de facto standardization of one instruc-
tion set, the Intel x86 architecture, and to the dominance of one desktop
operating system, Microsoft Windows.
The committee believes that the slowing in the exponential growth
in computing performance, while posing great risk, may also create a
tremendous opportunity for innovation in diverse hardware and software
infrastructures that excel as measured by other characteristics, such as low
power consumption and delivery of throughput cycles. In addition, the
use of the computer has becomes so pervasive that it is now economical
to have many more varieties of computers. Thus, there are opportunities
for major changes in system architectures, such as those exemplified by
the emergence of powerful distributed, embedded devices, that together
will create a truly ubiquitous and invisible computer fabric. Investment in
whole-system research is needed to lay the foundation of the computing
environment for the next generation. See Figure 2.1 for a graph showing
flattening curves of performance, power, and frequency.
Traditionally, computer architects have focused on the goal of creating