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The Future of Computing Performance: Game Over or Next Level?
requirements of the chips were growing. By the middle 1980s, most pro-
cessor designers moved from bipolar and NMOS to CMOS
CMOS gates were slower than those of NMOS or bipolar circuits but dis-
sipated much less energy, as described in the section below. Using CMOS
technology reduced the energy per function by over an order of mag-
nitude and scaled well. The remainder of this chapter describes CMOS
technology, its properties, its limitations, and how it affects the potential
for growth in computing performance.
Computer-chip designers have used the scaling of feature sizes (that
is, the phenomenon wherein the same functionality requires less space on
a new chip) to build more capable, more complex devices, but the result-
ing chips must still operate within the power constraints of the system.
Early chips used circuit forms (bipolar or NMOS circuits) that dissipated
power all the time, whether the gate
was computing a new value or just
holding the last value. Even though scaling allowed a decrease in the
power needed per gate, the number of gates on a chip was increasing
faster than the power requirements were falling; by the early to middle
1980s, chip power was becoming a design challenge. Advanced chips
were dissipating many watts;
one chip, the HP Focus processor, for exam-
ple, was dissipating over 7 W, which at the time was a very large number.
Fortunately, there was a circuit solution to the problem. It became
possible to build a type of gate that dissipated power only when the out-
put value changed. If the inputs were stable, the circuit would dissipate
practically no power. Furthermore, the gate dissipated power only as long
as it took to get the output to transition to its new value and then returned
to a zero-power state. During the transition, the gate’s power requirement
was comparable with those of the previous types of gates, but because
the transition lasts only a short time, even in a very active machine a gate
The C in CMOS stands for complementary. CMOS uses both NMOS and PMOS transistors.
A logic gate is a fundamental building block of a system. Gates typically have two to four
inputs and produce one input. These circuits are called logic gates because they compute
simple functions used in logic. For example, an AND gate takes two inputs (either 1s or 0s)
and returns 1 if both are 1s and 0 if either is 0. A NOT gate has only one input and returns
1 if the input is 0 and 0 if the input is 1.
Robert M. Supnick, 1984, MicroVAX 32, a 32 bit microprocessor, IEEE Journal of Solid
State Circuits 19(5): 675-681, available online at
Joseph W. Beyers, Louis J. Dohse, Jospeh P. Fucetola, Richard L. Kochis, Cliffird G. Lob,
Gary L. Taylor, and E.R. Zeller, 1981, A 32-bit VLSI CPU chip, IEEE Journal of Solid-State
Circuits 16(5): 537-542, available online at