Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
The Future of Computing Performance: Game Over or Next Level?
tion in parallel computing, architectures, and power to sustain growth
in computer performance and enjoy the next level of benefits to society.
Information technology (IT) has transformed how we work and live—
and has the potential to continue to do so. IT helps to bring distant people
together, coordinate disaster response, enhance economic productivity,
enable new medical diagnoses and treatments, add new efficiencies to
our economy, improve weather prediction and climate modeling, broaden
educational access, strengthen national defense, advance science, and
produce and deliver content for education and entertainment.
Those transformations have been made possible by sustained
improvements in the performance of computers. We have been living
in a world where the cost of information processing has been decreas-
ing exponentially year after year. The term Moore’s law, which originally
referred to an empirical observation about the most economically favor-
able rate for industry to increase the number of transistors on a chip,
has come to be associated, at least popularly, with the expectation that
microprocessors will become faster, that communication bandwidth will
increase, that storage will become less expensive, and, more broadly, that
computers will become faster. Most notably, the performance of indi-
vidual computer processors increased on the order of 10,000 times over
the last 2 decades of the 20th century without substantial increases in cost
or power consumption.
Although some might say that they do not want or need a faster
computer, computer users as well as the computer industry have in reality
become dependent on the continuation of that performance growth. U.S.
leadership in IT depends in no small part on taking advantage of the lead-
ing edge of computing performance. The IT industry annually generates
a trillion dollars of revenue and has even larger indirect effects through-
out society. This huge economic engine depends on a sustained demand
for IT products and services; use of these products and services in turn
fuels demand for constantly improving performance. More broadly, vir-
tually every sector of society—manufacturing, financial services, educa-
tion, science, government, the military, entertainment, and so on—has
become dependent on continued growth in computing performance to
drive industrial productivity, increase efficiency, and enable innovation.
The performance achievements have driven an implicit, pervasive expec-
tation that future IT advances will occur as an inevitable continuation of
the stunning advances that IT has experienced over the last half-century.