A simple but efficient way to investigate the boundary layer on slender foils at
small angles of attack consists in first computing the wall pressure distribution
using an inviscid potential flow approach. The boundary layer is then computed
using, for example, an integral method completed by a semi-empirical prediction
of transition to turbulence (see e.g. A
RNAL et al. 1984). There is usually no need to
iterate as the modification of the initially calculated pressure field by the boundary
layer is negligible for slender bodies. Predictions from such calculations agree
fairly well with dye injection visualizations [F
RANC & MICHEL 1985].
As an example, wall pressure distributions for two values of the attack angle and
the corresponding calculated positions of laminar separation and transition to
turbulence in the boundary layer are presented on figure 8.4 for the non-cavitating
NACA 16012 foil considered in the previous section.
On the upper side and at an incidence of 2 degrees (see fig. 8.4-a), laminar
separation, which should occur at the rear part of the foil, is prevented by transition
to turbulence. At 5 degrees (see fig. 8.4-b), due to a strong adverse pressure
gradient, laminar separation occurs close to the leading edge immediately followed
by transition. Downstream of this separation bubble, the upper side boundary
layer is fully turbulent and separates close to the trailing edge.
A summary of the nature of the boundary layer which develops on the upper side
of the foil as a function of the angle of attack is given in figure 8.5. On slender foils,
the position of laminar separation does not depend on the R
EYNOLDS number (nor
on the turbulence level), contrary to turbulent transition or turbulent separation.
Comparing the non-cavitating boundary layer of figure 8.5 to the cavity patterns of
figure 8.3, it appears that the location of cavity detachment corresponds fairly well
to the location of laminar separation, whether it occurs at the rear of the foil or near
its leading edge.
Moreover, the unexpected behavior of the cavitation discussed in the previous
section and occurring for incidences between about 2 and 5 degrees, corresponds
to the domain in which laminar separation and transition to turbulence jump from
the rear to the front part of the foil. The rather unstable and three-dimensional
behavior of the cavities observed in region 2 of figure 8.3, is related to the
intermittent behavior of the boundary layer in this transitional region. Between
two consecutive turbulent spots, the boundary layer is laminar and an attached
cavity can develop locally for a short time, before being swept out by the next
turbulent spot. This intermittent behavior of cavities is currently observed in
experimental tests of propeller models.
Thus, the main features of inception and even of developed attached cavitation
are strongly correlated to the behavior of the boundary layer in non-cavitating